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That had been a graceful, sentimental recognition of a glad event; this was an unvarnished, well-nigh stern arousal to the world of grave business and anxious care, following the mournful announcement of a death not a birth. From this day the Queen's heavy responsibilities and stringent obligations were to begin.

This the Greeks understood when they employed music as a healer of the soul and called this effect catharsis. If, indeed, music were just a means for the arousal of feelings, it would not be a fine art, but an orgy. For, in order to be aesthetic, feelings must be not merely stimulated by, but objectified in, the sense medium, where they can be mastered and known.

And the same law that rules in music and design holds here also: there must not be too much of consonance, of repetition, else the will becomes satiated and fatigued; there must be difference as well as identity, the novelty and surprise which accompany the arousal of a still fresh and unappeased impulse.

"Her Grace says there was a great change in him yesterday, that she noticed it as he ate his dinner." "And was there no change in the night?" said Katherine sagely. "Speak out, Lambkin, that 'tis on thy mind if thou dost mean, was he disturbed when the castle was aroused? why, no, he was not." "But how didst thou know there was an arousal?"

In sculpture, the greater part of the imagery is of touch and motion in the imagination, we feel the surfaces and move with the represented motions; the whiteness or blackness of the materials prevents the arousal of the image of the color of the body.

And yet, if the dark curtains that veiled the nursery windows at night, if the glimmering shape of the picture-frames, if the square black sides of the dolls' house were real, real also was the figure of her Friend, real his arousal in her of all the memories of the old days before she was Barbara Flint at all real, too, his love, his care, his protection; as real, yes, as Miss Letts's bony figure.

Facts in a fierce stampede that engulfed and swept him along and put all his dreams to a galloping test, a test wherein he had even forgotten his dreams. He had gone the way of all reformers, first the explosive arousal, then the theory, then the test. He went over the Greenwich Village experience with Myra: "Why," he laughed, "I expected to do great things. Whereas, look, I have done nothing.

In some persons a heightened nervousness is experienced, but in most cases the Hill has the effect upon those who reside there of a steady nervous arousal, a pleasure in activity, and a keen interest in life and work.

In general terms we shall define emotions, instincts and intelligence as follows: 1. For emotions we shall accept a modified James-Lange theory, supplementing it by the developments of science since their day. First, the arousal of memories and experiences that give it a value to the individual, make it a desired object or a dreaded, distasteful object.

She drew back his shaggy head, her bright wide eyes shining into Skinner's and a low voice deepened by the first arousal of womanly emotion which had ever come knowingly into the young life, was murmuring to him. "I loves ye, Daddy, I do. What does ye care for supper when I loves ye like this. Daddy, I could just bite ye hard, that I could, I love ye so."