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But we may note that the James-Lange theory of an emotion regards it as a consciousness of the very changes in the organism adrenalin causes.

The starting point of that development has seemed to be in the imitation of motions seen in others. It is plain to see that this is along the line of the James-Lange hypothesis. So that before these motions were seen there was no emotion in the child. If these motions were observed and imitated by the children then the emotions developed.

Of course you have hear of the James-Lange theory of the Emotions, namely, that bodily changes follow directly on the perception of the existing fact and that our feeling of these same changes as they occur is the Emotion. They developed the theory independently, and got great credit for it. Well, I find what nobody seems to have noticed that they were anticipated by Professor Maudsley.

In general terms we shall define emotions, instincts and intelligence as follows: 1. For emotions we shall accept a modified James-Lange theory, supplementing it by the developments of science since their day. First, the arousal of memories and experiences that give it a value to the individual, make it a desired object or a dreaded, distasteful object.

Modern views on the causation of emotions begin with what is called the James-Lange theory. Common sense says: we lose our fortune, are sorry and weep; we meet a bear, are frightened and run; we are insulted by a rival, are angry and strike.