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I did like it, especially the break-down. I say, I'm lost. The fellow who was looking after me has lost me." "Oh, you 'ave lost 'im. I am 'appy you to find. You sall not valk to ze Dock, no. I sall give you sleeps at ze hotel, and to-morrow you sall find zat dear gentleman. Come wiz me." "Oh, but you know, he'll be looking for me; besides, I've got no tin. Father forgot to leave me any.

Nohow, Peter, it aren't natral woman tak's a lot o' knowin'. 'Marry in 'aste, an' repent in leisure! That aren't in the Bible, but it ought to be." "And your own marriage was a truly happy one, Ancient?" "Ah! that it were, Peter, 'appy as ever was but then, ye see, there was a Providence in it.

I rode the highest horse of all: "Her inquiries about their souls are an impertinence. Why should they be bothered?" These are the sort of things they say in debating societies. But Life talks differently.... Pinker said, "Makes the po'r ole lady 'appy!" As one bends one's head low over the splint one sits unnoticed, a part of the furniture of the ward.

"''Appy is the first as goes To black a eye or punch a nose!" "Get the mufflers on, Joe; get 'em on an' don't stand staring like a fool!" "But, sir," said Joe, his mild eyes kindling, "d' ye mean as you want the real thing?"

'Ere's the children; now sit right down wth hus, and velcome. Since we're neighbors we'll be neighborly and friendly like; and before yer know hit, yer'll be snug and comfortable hin your hown rooms, and yer can be jist as 'appy bin 'em has hever yer vas him yer life. Bein' poor and 'aving to vork hain't the vorst troubles in the vorld."

Eh, I feel sure hoo's in heaven now, an' hoo's thinkin' o' me. I cannot tell ye how 'appy it mak's me." "Eye hath not seen," says St. Paul, "ear hath not heard." Very different was poor Mary's vision. Think of it: the little old woman in her working dress, with the sleeves rolled up on her skinny arms the "goldy rays, same as ye see on Christmas cards."

It would 'ave lighted up a 'appy 'ome if I 'adn't been a barmy idiot. It would 'ave showed me the face of my 'usband leanin' to kiss me in our blessed marriage-bed, an' my baby smilin' in its cradle-sleep 'ard by.... Oh! Oh!"

I 'ad just come on dooty, and afore I could ask 'im wot was the matter he 'ad got me in the 'Bull's Head' and stood me three 'arf-pints, one arter the other. "'I'm ruined, he ses in a 'usky whisper; 'I'm done for. Why was wimmen made? Wot good are they? Fancy 'ow bright and 'appy we should all be without 'em.

Three times more the fond father, thus goaded, managed, by accident, business accident, to see old Charlie and increase his offer; but in vain. He finally went to him formally. "Eh?" said the deaf and distant relative. "For what you want him, eh? Why you don't stay where you halways be 'appy? Dis is a blame old rat-hole, good for old Injin Charlie, da's all.

"Praise God, boss, we are 'appy gentlemen to-day, are we not?" Kirk found that the report of his good-fortune had spread far and wide; he was halted a score of times for congratulations; operators at the various stations yelled at him and waved their hands; Runnels wired "Hurrah!" at Gatun. A certain respect was in these greetings, too, for he had suddenly become a character.