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It seems a strange thing that I should be laid aside." Mrs. Alwynn paused, as if she had not for the nonce fathomed the ulterior reasons for this special move on the part of Providence, which had crippled her, while it left Ruth and Mrs. Thursby with the use of their limbs. "However," she continued, "I am not one to repine. Always cheery and busy, Ruth: that is my motto.

He loved his wife, but I think it grieved him when smart-colored glass vases were strewn among the cherished bits of old china and enamel which his soul loved. He did not like chromo-lithographs, or the framed photographs which Mrs. Alwynn called her "momentums of travel," among his rare old prints, either.

Dare was surprised that Mr. Alwynn, with whom he had been so open, should be so cold and unsympathetic in manner. The alteration and alienation of friends is certainly one of the saddest and most inexplicable experiences of this vale of tears. "You will find her in the study," continued Mr. Alwynn. "She is expecting you. I have told her nothing, according to your wish.

Alwynn felt an occasional twinge of anxiety and misgiving about his young friend, it speedily turned to self-upbraiding for indulging in a cynical, unworthy spirit, which was ever ready to seek out the evil and overlook the good; and he gradually convinced himself that only favorable circumstances were required for the blossoming forth of those noble attributes, of which the faintest indications on Dare's part were speedily magnified by the powerful lens of Mr.

Dare made another beautiful bow; and while he accepted a cup of tea from Mrs. Alwynn, Mr. Alwynn had time to look attentively at him with his mild gray eyes. He was a slight, active-looking young man of middle height, decidedly un-English in appearance and manner, with dark roving eyes, mustaches very much twirled up, and a lean brown face, that was exceedingly handsome in a style to which Mr.

Alwynn returned from her house-keeping with the same cheerful bustle, the same piece of information: "Well, Ruth, I've ordered dinner, my dear. First one duty, and then another." Why had that innocent and not unfamiliar phrase become so intolerable when she heard it again this morning? And when Mrs.

"You won't mind singing, will you, Ruth?" asked Mr. Alwynn, wishing she would show a little more interest in Dare and his concert. "Oh no, of course not," rather hurriedly. "I should be glad to help in any way." "And I thought, my dear, as it would be getting late, we had better accept his offer of staying the night at Vandon." Ruth assented, but so absently that Mr.

She was standing by the dim fire, trying to gather up sufficient energy to undress, when a quiet step came cautiously along the passage, followed by a low tap at her door. She opened it noiselessly, and found Mr. Alwynn standing without. "Ruth," he said, "Dare has walked up with me. He is in the most dreadful state. I am sure I don't know what to think.

"Dare," said Mr. Alwynn, sternly, "what excuse have you for never mentioning this before before you became engaged to Ruth?" "What!" burst out Dare, "tell Ruth! Tell her! Quelle idée. I would never speak to her of what might give her pain. I would keep all from her that would cause her one moment's grief. Besides," he added, conclusively, "it is not always well to talk of what has gone before.

Thursby's sister in the red bonnet." Ruth made no reply. She was following the responses in the psalms with a marked attention, purposely marked to check conversation, and sufficient to have daunted anybody but her aunt. Mrs. Alwynn took a spasmodic interest in the psalm, but it did not last. "Only two basses in the choir, and the new Te Deum, Ruth. How vexed Mr. Alwynn will be!"

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