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Updated: January 28, 2025

"Well, he's gone," said Bert, and the deep sigh that escaped his lips as he uttered the words would have led one to believe that he was glad of it, "and now comes the hard work. It's an all-day's job to build that trap."

It was to be an all-day's outing and a goodly little company which would enjoy it. As soon as possible after arrival in New York Mrs.

The porter showed him his room; his luggage was taken in, and then he came out to me in the passage. "You told Joseph that he needn't come up very early to-morrow, didn't you?" he enquired. "Yes, as we're pretty well fagged, and Chambéry isn't an all-day's journey, I thought we might take our time in the morning. That suits you, doesn't it?"

Sometimes they would be seen right by the camp, and again it would need an all-day's tramp to find them. There was no difficulty in spying them the chief trouble with forest game; for on the prairie a buffalo makes no effort to hide and its black, shaggy bulk looms up as far as the eye can see.

His first inquiry was about the Gitchie Manitou. When he learned that this was apparently little injured and had already been backed into the aerodrome, he gave more evidence of his all-day's strain by again relapsing into unconsciousness on the cot that had been improvised for him before the fire in the living room.

I wish he'd come to Jonesville and make a all-day's visit stay to dinner and supper, and all night if he will, and travel round through Jonesville the next day. I would enjoy it, and so would Josiah. Of course, we couldn't show off in fireworks anything to what he does, havin' nothin' but a lantern and a torchlight left over from Cleveland's campain. No; we shouldn't try to have no such doin's.

He sat on our laps, curled up on the seat and took naps, or looked out of the windows with evident puzzlement at the way things had suddenly taken to flying; he even made friends with the passengers, and in general amused himself as any other traveller would on an all-day's journey by rail, except that he did not risk his eyesight by reading newspapers.

Yes, Duty's apron strings jest drawed me right up in front of her, and I advanced, holdin' out my hand in as friendly a way as if she had come for a all-day's visit to me in Jonesville.

Ned had managed to get himself tangled up with this climbing force, if only to see what use was to be made of his and Zuroaga's new road. The morning came, and even before the sun was up some of the troops were moving. "I guess it'll be an all-day's job," thought Ned, as he and one of the engineer officers reached the first steep declivity. "Hullo! they are unhitching those artillery horses.

From Leamington to London was nearly an all-day's run, although the distance is only one hundred miles. A repair to the car delayed us and we went several miles astray on the road. It would have been easier to have returned over the Holyhead Road, but our desire to see more of the country led us to take a route nearly parallel to this, averaging about fifteen miles to the southward.

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