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Percy, I'll tell you what. I don't believe you are a bit in love with her." "She's devilish pretty." "Well?" "And I declare I think she got prettier and prettier every day till this cursed ague took her. Your fault too, my mother says." "We'll leave your mother out of the question now, if you please. Do you know what made her look prettier and prettier for you are quite right about that?" "No.

I was now in quite a different climate from my beloved island, where I never felt cold, except when I had my ague; on the contrary, I had much to do to bear any clothes on my back, and never made any fire but without doors, which was necessary for dressing my food, &c.

Moreover, the Fire- eater had an eye to little Perronel, though her mother had never let him train her scarce let him set an eye on her; and when Mistress Fulford died, poor soul, of ague, caught when we showed off before the merry Prior of Worcester, her last words were that Perronel should never be a glee-maiden.

At this period of his life the chapters of the Koran were delivered in throes of pain. The paroxysms were preceded by depression of spirit, his face became clouded, his extremities turned cold, he shook like a man in an ague, and he called for coverings.

Thus she sat for some time without moving; then she started up, pressed her hand on her brow and eyes, and shuddering as if she had seen something horrible or were shivering with ague, she murmured in gasps, while she clenched her teeth: "What does this mean? How come I by such thoughts?

Though it can be forgiven and swept away, and the gross sinner may become the great saint, there will be scars and bitter memories and habits surging up again after we thought they were dead; and the old ague and fever that we caught in the pestilential land will hang by us when we have migrated into a more wholesome climate.

If we can do this in season, the house or stacks are generally safe." How tired every one was all day after the prairie-fire! Well would it have been if the matter had terminated in fatigue. Early in the day the feeble mother had to betake herself to her bed; and on the following morning Mr. Allis, to his great surprise, found himself rudely shaken by the ague. Not many days passed ere Mrs.

"Not quite when they brought her in, but then unluckily her wetting brought on ague again, and she was shivering all night." "Poor Nina!" and Mrs. Bellairs turned to the miserable pale child, who looked as if another shivering fit were coming on. "You must make haste and get better, and come and stay with Flo for a while. We never have ague." "You are fortunate," sighed Mrs. Bayne.

In fact, he didn't seem as though afflicted with his late sickness, for his flesh was cool, and his face pale, but for all that he trembled violently, and as though attacked with the ague. "I thought that I recognized the voice," our patient said, in a half whisper, and in a listening attitude, "but I may have been mistaken."

She had not forgotten her other children, but she knew they could now look out for themselves, had plenty to eat, and a good, comfortable home in the old tree. So she paid little attention to them, and devoted all her thoughts and energies to her unfortunate, little Graycoat. Then came one cold, frosty night so cold that the poor little baby squirrel shivered and shook as though with an ague.