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Among the mineral products of Assyria, bitumen, naphtha, petroleum, sulphur, alum, and salt have also to be reckoned. The bitumen pits of Kerkuk, in the country between the Lesser Zab and the Adhem, are scarcely less celebrated than those of Hit; and there are some abundant springs of the same character close to Nimrud, in the bed of the Shor Derrell torrent.

It was all as if he had just returned from an absence of months and he had been away just five and a half days! THAT Conwell is not primarily a minister that he is a minister because he is a sincere Christian, but that he is first of all an Abou Ben Adhem, a man who loves his fellow-men, becomes more and more apparent as the scope of his life-work is recognized.

"The necklace was smuggled out of the country," Ben agreed. "We are certain of that. But I do not believe it is in the cat." "Open it," Rick begged. The inspector held up his hand. "Presently. Aren't you enjoying the suspense?" "It's killing us," Scotty wailed. "Ah, the impatience of the young!" Ismail ben Adhem obviously was having a good time. "Well, the pieces are nearly tied up."

The original discoverer of the alibi was a fat man; indeed, it was named for him Ali Bi-Ben Adhem, he was, a friend and companion of the Prophet, and so large that, going into Mecca, he had to ride on two camels. This fact is historically authenticated. I looked it up.

He turned to glance around the control room before leaving. The plaster on the ceiling would need repairing where the Sten gun had chipped it down to the concrete roof slab, but there was little real damage to show the effect of last night's fight. Even the window broken by Youssef had been repaired. How simple it all had been once Ismail ben Adhem had taken over.

It was a pleasant thing to hear the daughter talk of her father and mother. Thus did Henry live a useful, honorable, and happy life the natural result of his industry, perseverance, uprightness, and true benevolence. Like Ben Adhem, he had shown his love to God by his love to man. One of Henry's sons had come to this country, to set up a cane and whalebone factory in New York.

The children listened quietly to Abou Ben Adhem, but when Miss Inches opened another book and began to read sentences from Emerson, a deep gloom fell upon the party. Willy Parker kicked his neighbor and made a face. Lucy Hooper and Grace Sherwood whispered behind their napkins, and got to laughing till they both choked.

I remember how vaguely I used to wonder who it was that was going to grease her knees and why she should feel called upon to have them greased at all. Also, I shall pass over the instance of Abou Ben Adhem, whose name led all the rest in the golden book in which the angel was writing. Why shouldn't it have led all the rest?

A man of a greater humanity never lived; and the quality which stood Abou Ben Adhem in good stead should suffice to save Franklin from human criticism. He not only loved his kind, but he also trusted them with an implicit confidence, reassuring if not extraordinary in an observer of his shrewdness and experience.

I have not the pleasure " "Gloria Abercrombie," bowed Gloria politely, but her eyes danced. She liked this small, neat Mary Winship. They got into the car together. "I live right across the street," Gloria added, when they were safely seated. "So do I! I've seen you over there rocking a magnificent gray cat. Does it feel good?" "The cat Abou Ben Adhem? He's the warmest, softest thing!"