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"Bertie, this is me worthless old dad." And Patrick, though he was sidling and side-stepping with the awkwardness of a cat on wet ice, still retained his Celtic self-possession. "Lave Mart to slander the soorce av aal his good qualities," he retorted. "He was iver an uncivil divil to me after the day he first thrun me down, the big gawk."

They pulled the boat through monster seas, and the brute was cursin' at the women aal the way until they gat alangside, when the captain said, 'Ma ship's sinkin'. The crew were telled to jump into the boat smart, and as syen as the captain said, 'We're aal heor, Jimmy sprang aboard like a cat, cast the boat adrift, shooted to his wife, 'She's mine!

We've all cot our fery own names, only in pad tays, my laty, we ton't aalways know which tey are exactly; but we aal know which we are each other, and we get on fery coot without the names. We lay tem py with our Sappath clothes for a few tays, and they come out ta fresher and ta sweeter for keeping ta Sappath so long, my laty.

An' thay aal bust out a-larfin, an' sed 'twur the tallergraph; an' one sed as how if the Girt Western thought as how 'twould pay better, thay ud soon shet up shop, an' take in washin'. Never in aal me life did I go at such a rate under and awver bridges an droo holes in the 'ills. We wur soon at Swindon, wur a lot wur at work as black as tinkers.

Olaf Rygh, the learned Keeper of the Norwegian Museum at Christiania, will be read with interest. He says: "Mr. Hartland's notice of 'Halsteengaard' in Norway doubtless refers to a local tale about a drinking-horn formerly in the hands of the owner of Holsteingaard, Aal parish, Hallingdal.

He spoke the words with perfect composure, but as soon as they were uttered, burst into a wail, and sobbed like a child. "Ye'll be my ain father than?" said Malcolm. "No, no, my son. She'll not pe anything that's your own at aal!" And the tears flowed down his channelled cheeks. For one moment Malcolm was silent, utterly bewildered.

But a counts them every night when's desart's done. And a keeps 'em till the karnels be mowldy, and a keeps 'em till they be dry, and a keeps 'em till they be dust; and when the karnels is dust, a cracks aal the lot of 'em when desart's done, zo's no one mayn't have no good of they walnuts, since they be no good to be."

We aal hed to get out, an' a chap in green clothes sed we shood hev to wait ten minits. Thur wur a lot gwain into a room, an' I seed they wur eatin' and drinkin'; so I ses to meself, "I be rayther peckish, I'll go in an' see if I can get summut." So in I goes; an' 'twer a vine pleace, wi' sum nation good-looking gurls a-waitin'. "I'll hev a half-quartern loaf," I sed.

Here an ancient, bearded shepherd an elder of the kirk with a tongue of caustic, Ringan by name, who was sitting behind the Minister, winked derisively at the company and muttered sotto voce, 'He's forgot aal the little yins.

Dang the buttons o' that little pasteboord seller! he warn't a 'safe mon' to hev to do wi'." I enquired if the peeple hed much washin' to do for the railway about here, an' thay wanted to know what I required to know vor. I sed because thur war such a long clothesline put up aal the way along.