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'Wife indeed! that's what they all say bound to. But of all the cool young women! I hope I haven't done no harm, letting her into the studio. But that letter and all it was enough to make a jelly of you things a-turnin' out like this. And me all a-tremblin', and givin' in! Phoebe opened the studio door, noticed the bright light with amazement, and shut the door behind her.

We will not relate the conversation that passed, but let the reader imagine the look upon Moses' rubicund face when Mr. Lawson presented the missing document, and made the necessary explanation as to the means by which it came into his possession. "It is a miracle, nuthin' more nor less," exclaimed Moses, his eyes dancing with delight. "Things are a-turnin' out jest as I expected.

Yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophetess a uncommon pretty young woman." "Come, Ben," said Adam, rather sternly, "you let the words o' the Bible alone; you're going too far now." "What! Are YE a-turnin' roun', Adam? I thought ye war dead again th' women preachin', a while agoo?" "Nay, I'm not turnin' noway.

'Which shows, said Mrs Gamp, casting up her eyes, 'what a little way you've travelled into this wale of life, my dear young creetur! As a good friend of mine has frequent made remark to me, which her name, my love, is Harris, Mrs Harris through the square and up the steps a-turnin' round by the tobacker shop, "Oh Sairey, Sairey, little do we know wot lays afore us!"

"It wuzn't proved," sez Josiah, a-turnin' the almanac over and lookin' at the advertisement on the back side on't. "And why wuzn't it proved?" sez I, "because he held a big piece of gold against the mouths of the witnesses." "I didn't see any in front of my mouth," sez Josiah, lookin' 'shamed but some composed.

"No; I don't care to see him. Don't call him; he isn't the boy I'm looking for, any way." "There! he's a-turnin' this way now. I'll have 'im here in a minute; hey, Ralph! Ralph! here he comes." But the old man was gone. He had disappeared suddenly and mysteriously. A little later he was trudging slowly along the dusty road, through the crowds of people, up toward the city.

"However, I had reckoned without my host, for just as we reached this place, and were a-turnin' around this bend in the road, two men sprang out from the bushes and grabbed the lead horses by the bits. Two more jumped out on one side of the coach, and two more on the other, while one man stepped up to me and demanded me to come down.

There's nothin' to be 'ad now unless yer sweat for it: that's Radicalism, that is, and if I 'ad my way I'd upset the b -y Act, and all the lot of 'em. No, thank yer, Mr. Butterfield, I'll 'ave the old sovereign; where did he come from now, I wonder." "Come from? Why, from your shop. Mr. Catchpole has just paid it me. You needn't go a-turnin' of it over and a-smellin' at it, Mr.

'Gone with Miss Madge to the Catholic chapel to hear a mass of Mozart's. 'Yes, said Mrs Caffyn. 'I tell them they'll turn Papists if they do not mind. They are always going to that place, and there's no knowing, so I've hear'd, what them priests can do. They aren't like our parsons. Catch that man at Great Oakhurst a-turnin' anybody.

What course of life do you mean to pursue? 'Well, sir, said Mr Tapley. 'The fact is, that I have been a-thinking rather of the matrimonial line, sir. 'You don't say so, Mark! cried Tom. 'Yes, sir. I've been a-turnin' of it over. 'And who is the lady, Mark? 'The which, sir? said Mr Tapley. 'The lady. Come! You know what I said, replied Tom, laughing, 'as well as I do!