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Proctor himself paused momentarily at the table and rested a hand upon Wharton's shoulder while he voiced a few platitudes. Then in some inexplicable manner Robert found himself not only ordering for himself, but supplementing Jim's MENU with rare and expensive viands. As a great favor, he was advised of a newly imported vintage wine which the proprietor had secured for his own use; if Mr.

You have offered up thanks to the Lord for appointing the Centre of His Cause and the Guardian of His Covenant, and have voiced your gratitude and expressed your spiritual sentiments, for this favour and grace. It is true, in all the world there could be no mercy greater than this, no bounty more abundant.

In his eyes Fledra had matured; for his masculinity had sought and found the natural opposite forces of her sex. These thoughts he modified and voiced. "Not quite from your standpoint, Ann; but possibly from Horace's." Pale and distressed, Ann got to her feet. "Then then, of course, she must go," she said with decision. "I can't have him unhappy, and Why, such a thing could never be!"

Efforts to have her make the sound "a," or any of the vowels in a voiced manner failed completely. She was then instructed to cough. Although it is evident that a cough is a voiced sound, she was able to do this, in a very low and indistinct manner. She was then instructed to add the sound "e" at the end of her cough. This she did, but with difficulty.

In that sense, it is true according to the familiar saying of Shakespeare, though it was only Polonius, the man of maxims, who voiced it, that one cannot be true to others unless one is first true to oneself, and that one can know nothing of giving aught that is worthy to give unless one also knows how to take.

It was routine, but ghosts are traditionally far from routine. That was actually the biggest argument for assuming that it was man-made, and that it was not a practical joke. He voiced his thoughts aloud, then asked, "If man-made, and not a practical joke, what's the motive?" No one replied, because no one had a possible answer.

I believe that since the great Teacher of humanity spoke those simple words of eternal tenderness that voiced the mother side of the divine nature, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not," I believe that nothing more heartfelt, more effectual, has come ringing down to us through the centuries than Froebel's inspired and inspiring call, "Come! let us live with the children!"

And the tone in which she said "father" was softer and more tender than the one which voiced "mother." Rachel never visited the Cove again. Isabella Spencer discovered that the children had been there, and, although she knew nothing of Rachel's interview with her father, she told the child that she must never again go to that part of the shore.

The man in the crowd only voiced the general opinion, and, it must be said, the general opinion was not far removed from the truth.

In consideration of the fact that there will be some inconveniences, in spite of all I can do, I am willing to make an increase of ten per cent. in the salaries of all of you, including Tommy and Nellie," and he smiled at the two children. "Oh, goodie! I'm going!" cried the small lad. "So'm I," voiced his sister. There was a moment of silence, while all the members of the company looked at Mr.