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It pricks the nerves, it pleases the sense of the gigantic, the strange, the formless, but there is something uncanny about it all, like some huge, prehistoric bird, an awful Pterodactyl with goggle eyes, horrid snout and scream. Berlioz, like Baudelaire, has the power of evoking the shudder.

I didn't know anybody was sitting there behind me." It was almost uncanny the way his eyes twinkled through his hair, as if he were laughing with her over some good joke they had together. It gave her such a feeling of comradeship that she stood and smiled back at him. Suddenly he raised his right paw and thrust it towards her. She drew back another step.

The same dark canoe that Harriet Burrell had seen shoot out into the lake before her the night she was reconnoitering near the camp of the Tramp Club was now hovering about the houseboat. It would have appeared almost uncanny to one not experienced in canoeing to observe the absolute noiselessness with which the frail little craft was propelled about the larger boat.

The minister prayed so earnestly for the graces of forgiveness, loving kindness and tender mercy, that several in the congregation began to wonder who had been hard on his neighbor now. It was almost uncanny sometimes how that minister spotted out the faults and petty differences in his flock.

"Pretty mess, what?" he remarked with a wry smile, indicating his bloody and disheveled state. "It is terrible," said the girl. "I hope you are not suffering." "Not as much as I should have expected," he replied, "but I feel as weak as a fool. What sort of creatures are these beggars, anyway?" "I don't know," she replied, "there is something terribly uncanny about their appearance."

She laughed without smiling, an uncanny habit of hers, and turned to the window. "I hear Mr. Smith saying that he must go," she said. Mrs. Windsor rustled forward to speed the parting guest. That night Esmé said to Reggie in the smoking room "Reggie, Lady Locke will marry you if you ask her." "I suppose so," the boy said. "Shall you ask her?" "I suppose so. Mr.

"'But don't you think it really has an uncanny look? she asked, giving a last glance over her shoulder as she came out. "'If you call dirt uncanny, there is plenty of that. Shut the door, and I will push back the bed.

I repeat that I had a subconsciousness, almost uncanny, that we were souls rather than men, talking to each other. He sat down once more, drawing the chair to the table and resting his elbow on it. "My record," said he. "What about it?" Again please understand that I felt I had the man's soul naked before me. An imponderable hand plucked away my garments of convention.

The subject held an uncanny influence over her, and she had spent months on the picture. But this shadow of her life she kept carefully guarded from all. "I wa'n't consulted 'bout comin' into this world," said Uncle Terry once, "an' I don't 'spect to be 'bout goin' out.

But it was such a strange, uncanny laugh, that it entirely changed the expression of his face. It was neither merry nor scornful. Perhaps all the kindliness that Stephen Fausch had to give lay in that one laugh. His solitary eye looked larger and more quiet than usual. And as his gaze rested thus on them both at once, they felt as if he were trying to say: "So you you belong together, you two!"