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One man may be strong and willing but so stupid and clumsy that he destroys more than he earns; another may be deft, ingenious, have an uncanny way with flowers and vegetables, but yet have such an utter lack of responsibility that one cannot depend on him for any length of time.

All through the devastated region one walked with an uncanny feeling of an evil spirit left behind by masses of men whose bodies had gone away. It exuded from scraps of old clothing, it was in the stench of the dugouts and in the ruins they had made. In some few villages there were living people left behind, some hundreds in Nesle and Roye, and, all told, some thousands.

A few honest folk, with the gift of a second sight in such matters, discover their uncanny presence leprous impurity, insane blasphemy, and the stony grin of unearthly malice and keep aloof.

The noiseless and uncanny attendants, whom he did not know whether to regard as Efreets, or demons, or simply illusions, but whose services he had no wish to retain, had all withdrawn. Mrs. Futvoye was peacefully slumbering, and her husband was in a better humour than he had been all the evening.

I've never been used to it, and to-night in particular that wolf's howl makes it all the more uncanny to me." The night had come on, uncommonly chill for the period of the year, and Henry also was willing to go. But when he returned to his little room it seemed littler than ever. This was not a fit place to be a home for a human being.

"How did you know I was looking at you?" he asked. "I felt it." He drew his horse a little nearer. "Sometimes you're positively uncanny," she added. He laughed. "I rather like that castles-in-Spain expression you wore," he declared. "Castles in Spain?" "Or in some other place where the real estate is more valuable. Certainly not in Quicksands."

For a fleeting instant something flashed venomously. The sounds grew nearer. I could tell that the newcomers had found Morris lying at the gate. Yet still I stood, frozen with uncanny fear, and watching watching the spot to which that stray beam had pierced; the spot where I had seen the moon gleam upon the ring of the Prophet!

There was something uncanny about this camping-spot in the forest, and they often glanced apprehensively toward the walls of blackness which surrounded them. They were not cowards, for their courage had been fully proved in many a hard fight. Even the Colonel felt somewhat depressed as the night wore on. It seemed weird and unnatural, this mode of warfare against a skulking enemy.

My forehead was damp with perspiration, and I became more and more convinced that the uncanny ordeal must prove too much for my nerves. Hitherto, I had accorded little credence to tales of the supernatural, but face to face with such manifestations as these, I realized that I would have faced rather a group of armed dacoits, nay! Dr.

Penelope, in her wheel chair beside them, fidgeted her weak, misshapen body. Her nerves were tense with an excitement which she knew was not all due merely to an unexpected call from a stranger. Unaccustomed emotions, strong but undefined, were filling her breast and tugging at her heart. To her sharpened perception it seemed almost as if something uncanny were hovering in the room.