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His blushes, his stumbles, his awkwardness, and the number of feet which he crushed as he went back to his place, who shall describe or calculate? Old Dobbin, his father, who now respected him for the first time, gave him two guineas publicly; most of which he spent in a general tuck-out for the school: and he came back in a tail-coat after the holidays.

"About a week before that I was down in the bed of the Redclay Creek fishing for 'tailers'. I'd been getting on all right with the housemaid at the 'Royal' she used to have plates of pudding and hot pie for me on the big gridiron arrangement over the kitchen range; and after the third tuck-out I thought it was good enough to do a bit of a bear-up in that direction.

Dis yere boat is de fastest and de finest on de Big Muddy, young gent; an' dere's nuttin' in dis yere worl' that the 'New Lucy' doan have on her table; an' doan yer fergit it, young mas'r," he added, with respectful pride in his voice. "My! what a tuck-out!

Mr Ebony grinned and danced again, nodding at us both, and saying something in his tongue which sounded to me like, "Now we'll have such a jolly tuck-out;" but of course it was not that, though it evidently meant as much.

The blacksmith made his appearance, waddling in his walk, looking very calm, and scenting a tuck-out. "Ah! you jokers!" said he, as soon as he caught sight of them hiding in a doorway. "I guessed it. Well, what are we going to eat?" At mother Louis', whilst they sucked the little bones of the pettitoes, they again fell to abusing the employers.

One or two other boys were picking up the remains of the feast, which had been on lobsters, jam tarts, clotted cream, and the like delicacies dear to the juvenile mind. The two biggest school-boys came forward, one voluble and thick of speech about Horner's tuck-out, and "I assure you, sir, it is nothing -not a taste.

They only looked; for although the short autumnal afternoon had fled swiftly by while they were chatting with their new friends or exploring the steamboat, they felt that they could not possibly take another repast so soon after their first real "tuck-out" on the "New Lucy."

We were thus engaged when we heard a rustling in the brushwood. We started up with our guns in our hands, expecting to see a deer or bear, when Bouncer came rushing towards us, leaping up and licking his jaws. Martin examined his mouth and sides. "Depend upon it he has had a good tuck-out, the rogue, and feels in a happy humour," observed Martin.

He held the next can in his hand a moment longer and read the label twice. "Why! he's sent two," he said, "and I'm sure I only ordered one. Never mind Jack'll have a tuck-out." He held the next can close to the fire and blinked at it hard. "I'm damned if he hasn't sent three tins of plum pudding. Never mind, we'll manage to scoff some of it between us.

They were going to have a tuck-out. Look, boys, they meant to have `toad in the hole' for supper, and here's the toad." This was as he held out the bloated skin of the unfortunate frog. "Hooray!" shouted the boys, who were looking on with rapturous delight, and the more we struggled to get free, the greater their enjoyment seemed. "You coward! you brute!" panted Mercer.