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"You have Emilia," the ladies said; this being equivalent to "She is one of that sort;" and Mr. Pole understood it so, and fastened Emilia in one arm, with "Now, a kiss, my dear, and then a toon." Emilia readily gave both. As often as he heard instances of her want of ladylike training, he would say, "Keep her here; we'll better her." Mr.

It's made Pottie fearder than ever; they tell me he's been looking efter a job at the Freek bleechin,, so as to get awa' oot o' the toon for a while. "Are ye there, Sandy? Sandy, are ye there? Sandy! I winder whaur that man'll be? He'll gae awa' an' leave the shop stanin' open to the street, as gin it were a byre, an' never think naething aboot it! Are ye there, Sandy?"

The master's wrath, ready enough to rise against boys and all their works, now showed itself in the growing redness of his face. This was not one of his worst passions in them, he grew white for the injury had not been done to himself. "Can you tell me which of them did it?" "No, sir. There maun hae been mair nor twa or three at it, or she wad hae worried them. The best-natered beast i' the toon!"

For this offence, chiefly on the oath of Neeves, they were all capitally convicted. James Toon was another of those unhappy persons who suffered on the oath of Neeves. He had spent his time mostly upon the water, having been a seaman for several years, and after that a bargeman.

At last, after some minutes that felt like hours, they went on and down the ladder to the lower deck. "Phew!" panted Bob Hampton. "Oh, my lad, my lad, why didn't you whistle a jig out of the window?" "Why didn't I what?" I cried. "Whistle a toon, my lad. That would ha' let 'em know you could hear 'em talking, and they'd ha' gone. Hold me tight, please, for I'm 'bout spent."

"I was genna say," he said, "that we maun get a hand o' a puckle men o' abeelity an' straucht-forritness, an' I have much pleasure in proposin' a vote of thanks to oor worthy freend, Mester Bowden, for comin' forrit to abolish the Toon Cooncil o' every rissim o' imposeeshin, till taxation shall vanish into oblivion, an' be a thing o' the past. Mester Bowden is a man "

Ma auld tittie has dee'd and left me some siller, Merton dragged a handful of dirty notes out of his trousers pocket. 'I've been to see the auld Bowers, but Lairdie was on the shift. 'And ye're ganging to Embro? 'When we cam' into Embro Toon We were a seemly sicht to see; Ma luve was in the I dinna mind what ma luve was in 'And I ma'sel in cramoisie,

All now appeared lost, the Auld Toon was in full retreat. I myself lay at the baker’s feet, who had just raised his spoke, probably to give me the coup de grace,—it was an awful moment.

Then his voice came: "Wot didn't he start on a new toon for, for a wariation?" Mr. Bartlett was doing something very nice and exact with the three-quarter he had just evolved, so his reply came in fragments as from a mind preoccupied.

But honestly, if it's she, and she wants to overhaul us, we haven't got much chance weighted down by 'Waterspin. If it weren't for that, I'd guarantee to let 'Wilhelmina' see nothing but our heels." "Let's cut 'Waterspin' adrift," I whispered, glaring at poor Toon, who stood steering the squat little barge, with an irritatingly complacent look on his nice face. "Impossible, my dear fellow.