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But, of all Thackeray's books, I suppose "Pendennis" was the favourite. That did not seem to be one's vocation. But the story of Pen made one wish to run away to literature, to the Temple, to streets where Brown, the famous reviewer, might be seen walking with his wife and umbrella.

According to the most modern computation the precious materials, such as gold with which it was embellished, amounted to something like six hundred million dollars. Next in importance was his palace, which in size and time of construction surpassed that of the temple.

"Is this the dagger?" the senator asked Francis. "I cannot say that it is the dagger," Francis replied; "but it closely resembles it, if it is not the same." "You have no doubt, I suppose, seeing that wound on the temple, the dagger found in the girdle, and the fact that the body has evidently only been a few days in the water, that this is the man whom you struck down in the fray on the canal?"

If you like your bed best, stop there; and mind you amuse Janet for me duing my absence. 'I'm not going to let any one make comparisons between us, Temple muttered. He dropped dozens of similar remarks, and sometimes talked downright flattery, I had so deeply impressed him.

'And if you get Walter Heriot to come to you, Harry Richmond, it'll be better for him, I'm sure, she added, and naively: 'I 'd like to meet him up at the Grange. Temple, she said, had left the Navy and was reading in London for the Bar good news to me. 'You have not told us anything about your princess, Harry, Janet observed on the ride home. 'Do you take her for a real person, Janet?

It was like some fine and pure old Greek temple, standing on a romantic headland, far above the murk and toil of sordid striving. But over the symmetrical pile floated a banner that meant to the world all that was signified even by the banners which Greece folded and laid away in eternal rest thousands of years ago.

And as in the past, despite all the inner desolation, it was easy to assume to this guest of Tante's the attitude so habitual to her of the attendant in the temple, the attendant who, rising from his seat at the door, comes forward tranquilly to greet the worshipper and entertain him with quiet comment until the goddess shall descend. "Did you have a nice drive?" she inquired.

Six months, therefore, previously to the annunciation to Mary, the angel Gabriel descended to proclaim "glad tidings" to Zacharias. In the performance of his customary service as a priest, he had gone into the temple to burn incense, while the people were praying without the holy place.

A passage in Humboldt, which I met with long after, seems to clear up the mystery. Speaking of the great teocalli of the city of Mexico, he says, quoting an old description, that the Moon had a little temple in the great courtyard, which was built of shells. Those that we found may be the remains of a similar structure on the top of the pyramid.

The weeping bishops with lamentable voices besought him to save them; knights of the Hospital and the Temple from the king's household knelt before him, sighing and pouring forth tears. "In fear of death," says one chronicler, he yielded. "I am ready," he said, "to keep the customs of the kingdom."