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If you like your bed best, stop there; and mind you amuse Janet for me duing my absence. 'I'm not going to let any one make comparisons between us, Temple muttered. He dropped dozens of similar remarks, and sometimes talked downright flattery, I had so deeply impressed him.

'Weel, aa niver! he exclaimed, when Jim's explanatory remarks had come to an end, swinging himself up on to his seat and gathering up the reins. 'Yur a boald 'un to tell the missus theer to hur feeace as how ya wur' tossicatit whan yur owt ta been duing yur larful business. Aa've doon wi' yer. Aa aims to please ma coostomers, an' aa caan't abide sek wark.

If you like your bed best, stop there; and mind you amuse Janet for me duing my absence. 'I'm not going to let any one make comparisons between us, Temple muttered. He dropped dozens of similar remarks, and sometimes talked downright flattery, I had so deeply impressed him.

He kept on running as he did. "Aye ent care to stop," he said. "Aye kent suit you, Master Bost. You tal me Aye skoll du a teng, den you cuss me for duing et. You tal me not to du a teng and you cuss me some more den. Aye tenk I yust keep on a-running, lak yu tal me tu last night. Et ent so hard bein' cussed ven yu ban running." "I tell you to stop, you potato-top," gasped Bost.

Tell her of this and what it will mean to her in the Lord's kingdom and do not let her company with gentiles or with any of the young brethren around there that might put Notions into her head. Try to due right and never faint in well duing, keep the faith of the gospel and I pray the Lord to bless you.

'Weel, aa niver! he exclaimed, when Jim's explanatory remarks had come to an end, swinging himself up on to his seat and gathering up the reins. 'Yur a boald 'un to tell the missus theer to hur feeace as how ya wur 'tossicatit whan yur owt ta been duing yur larful business. Aa've doon wi' yer. Aa aims to please ma coostomers, an' aa caan't abide sek wark.