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Still I am sure that had he come with his evil talk before that day when you returned from Tanis, she would have gone. Now I hope that there are reasons that will keep her where she is." "What then did he say, Prince?" "Little beyond what he had already said to you, that great troubles were about to fall on Egypt.

Now Pharaoh's heart was softened and he was minded to let them go, but Meriamun turned to him and said: "Thou shalt not let the people go. It is not these slaves, nor the God of these slaves, who bring the plagues on Khem, but it is that strange Goddess, the False Hathor, who dwells here in the city of Tanis. Be not so fearful ever hadst thou a coward heart.

Here the warrior interrupted the maiden's words, to which he had listened earnestly, yet with increasing disappointment: "Ay, I have obeyed you and the Most High. But what it cost me you disdain to ask. Your story has reached the present time, yet you have made no mention of the days following my mother's death, during which you were our guest in Tanis.

Meanwhile Kasana had poured some wine into a goblet, and when he came back with the nurse she made him sit down on the giraffe skin at her feet and asked how he had succeeded in evading the guards, and what he expected from the future. She would tell him in advance that her father had remained in Tanis, so he need not fear recognition and betrayal.

Another woman whom he could never quite remember. Three overdressed and slightly effeminate young men soda-fountain clerks, or at least born for that profession. A man of his own age, immovable, self-satisfied, resentful of Babbitt's presence. When he had finished his dutiful dance Tanis took him aside and begged, "Dear, wouldn't you like to do something for me?

The grimness of Gunch's voice, the hardness of his jaw, disconcerted Babbitt, but he recovered and went on till they looked bored, then irritated, then as doubtful as Gunch. He thought of Tanis always. With a stir he remembered her every aspect. His arms yearned for her. "I've found her! I've dreamed of her all these years and now I've found her!" he exulted.

He had gone to Alexandria unwillingly, and would certainly have stayed in Tennis if he could have foreseen what a number of tiresome examinations he would be obliged to undergo. He had been burning with impatience to quit the place, on account of the important work left behind in Tanis, and he did not even know whether he would be reimbursed for his travelling expenses.

These were intended for the dear departed. Her uncle and a beloved cousin who bore some resemblance to Ephraim had been snatched away the night before by the plague which his people had brought upon Tanis. From the street which adjoined the garden-wall they heard the wails of women lamenting the dead or bearing a corpse to the tomb.

Till she went, four days later, she was curiously still, he cumbrously affectionate. Her train left at noon. As he saw it grow small beyond the train-shed he longed to hurry to Tanis. "No, by golly, I won't do that!" he vowed. "I won't go near her for a week!" But he was at her flat at four.

But in the end he determined to forbear and see with his own eyes what befell those who strove to win the way. So he drew back, wondering much; and, bidding farewell to the aged priest, he went with Rei, the Master Builder, through the town of Tanis, where the Apura were still spoiling the people of Khem, and he came to the Palace where he was lodged.