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There was a severe frost, for the winter in that region is really tremendous, and everybody else either remained indoors, or if they went out had on an amazing quantity of clothes, and were well shod, and had their feet swathed in felt and fleeces: in the midst of this, Socrates with his bare feet on the ice and in his ordinary dress marched better than the other soldiers who had shoes, and they looked daggers at him because he seemed to despise them.

They were about to resort to sea-burial, when, through the interposition of the husband, who was anxious to take her home, the ship-carpenters started to construct a coffin suitable for a long voyage, a process which took several days, during which time she lay in her berth, swathed in robes and ready for interment.

He tried to make a joke of it, poor fellow, by adding a sketch he sketched quite nicely of his swelled cheek swathed in a handkerchief. But Mrs. Rittenhouse Smith was in no humor for joking; she was furious! When a woman misses fire in this way, it usually is possible to fill her place with a convenient young sister, or even with an elderly aunt.

One leg, encased in splints and bandages, was stiffly outstretched on a stool in front of him; his uniform cap a very disreputable one, with a tarnished badge was perched on top of the bandages that still swathed his head. "Phew!" he said; "thank you. That was a bit of a Marathon, wasn't it?" He measured the distance across the lawn with a humorous eye.

Gird yourself. Take the musket from the hall. It is loaded. Patrol!" "I don't want the musket." "Be not overbold. Outside you may be at their mercy." "Outside!" "Assuredly." "Me patrol outside!" "That is your task. Forward!" By now Mr. Marrapit had risen; swathed himself in a dressing-gown. Sternly he addressed Mr.

Therefore, the bandages that now swathed his head and shoulders; therefore, the need that he should be up and doing for where was Hannibal? He sought to lift himself on his elbow, but the effort sent shafts of pain through him; his head seemed of vast size and endowed with a weight he could not support. He sank back groaning, and closed his eyes.

"Is Bobinette dead, then?" asked Fandor.... Immediately a conviction seized him that the girl had fallen a victim to this mysterious assassin whom no one could lay hands on. The studio clock struck ten. The lights went out. Fandor stood startled, in deepest darkness. Before he could utter an exclamation, move a finger, he was swathed in a cloth, seized, bound, with the utmost brutality.

Her power and her resources had given her great opportunities, of which she had availed herself to the full. She had won secrets from nature in strange ways; and had even gone to the length of going down into the tomb herself, having been swathed and coffined and left as dead for a whole month.

She wore a heavy black overskirt that rustled in delicious fashion over the colored silk skirt beneath, and a white shirt-waist, striped black, and starched to a rattling stiffness. Her neck was swathed tight and high with a broad ribbon of white satin, while around her waist, in place of a belt, she wore the huge dog-collar of a St.

Her struggle with Freddie was a revelation and a warning. There were days when, driving about in her luxurious car, she could do nothing but search among the crowds in the streets for the lonely old women in rags, picking and peering along the refuse of the cafés weazened, warped figures swathed in rags, creeping along, mumbling to themselves, lips folded in and in over toothless gums.