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He had vaguely intended to visit the local police. Now he made up his mind to go to Ipswich and thence to London. Further delay at Stowmarket was useless. Before his train quitted the station he made matters right with the stationmaster by explaining to him the identity of the two men who had attracted his attention the previous evening.

"Quite so, and a good deal that has transpired since. Now. Winter, don't argue, there's a good fellow. Go and engage the landlord of the local inn in a discussion on crops. I am off to Beechcroft Hall. Mr. Hume and I will call for you on our way back to Stowmarket. In our private sitting-room at the hotel there I will explain everything." They parted. Brett was promptly admitted by Mrs.

To-day I pawned a silver watch, but unfortunately returned to my lodgings, where my landlady made such a fiendish row about the bill that I gave her every penny. Then I pawned my overcoat, raising the exact fare to Stowmarket. I could not even pay for a 'bus from Gower Street to Liverpool Street.

If you can manage your matrimonial affairs without all this fuss, Davie, I should advise you to do the same." "What are you hinting at? What new mystery is this?" cried Hume. "Let us keep to solid fact for the present," interposed the barrister. "I wish I had met you sooner, Mr. Frazer. I would be nearing Naples now, instead of entering Stowmarket Have you any further information?"

"The injured gentleman was carried to his hotel, where he is staying with his cousin, Mr. David Hume-Frazer, whose name will be recalled in connection with the famous 'Stowmarket Mystery' of last year." "What does it all mean?" inquired Winter. "It means that you must listen carefully to what I am going to tell you. Here is my cab. Jump in.

Edmunds or Stowmarket or Sudbury and the neighbourhood, I experience a curious racial home-feeling. I never saw any of these towns or took much interest in them till I had reached middle age. Yet whenever I enter this area I realise that its inhabitants are nearer to me in blood, and doubtless in nervous and psychic tissue, than the people of any other area.

Vines and Mr. Young desired to be excused from the new appointments, there is no notice of any such declinature in the MS. minutes. See Biographical Notices of Thomas Young, S.T.D., Vicar of Stowmarket, Suffolk, by Mr. These accurate and valuable "Notices" of a man who figures so interestingly in Milton's Biography had not appeared till Vol.

It was a brutal business, and Hopkins followed it for three or four years. He proceeded from town to town and opened his courts. Stowmarket was one of the places he visited. The Puritans are said to have hung sixty witches in Suffolk, but the Puritans were not alone responsible. It is a fact that, up to fifty years ago two supposed witches lived in Stowmarket. Dr.

Crowe to "wunner," nor was there any use in sending the carriage back to Stowmarket. Somehow, he felt that Capella would not come to Beechcroft that night. The five men went rapidly and silently up the avenue. As they approached the lighted library, they could see a servant parleying with the Japanese. A motion of Brett's hand brought the party into the shade of the sombre yews.

"It was stated at the trial, sir, that Mr. David came from Scotland that morning, left Liverpool Street at 3.20 p.m., and reached Stowmarket at 5.22 p.m." "Yes." "Further, he was admittedly the second person to see his cousin's dead body, and remained at the Hall until arrested by the police on a warrant." Brett nodded. The stationmaster's statement promised to be intensely interesting.