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"O.K., Steve," replied Kit, turning to the door and then stopping to glare at Miles. "And save a piece of that space rat for me!" Under Barnard's steely look, Miles rose to his feet and stepped back hesitantly. Then, suddenly, he jumped up on the chair, scrambled to the top of the master control panel, and crouched there tensely.

The storm had gullied the hills and flooded the hollows. There were pools of water everywhere, shining cold and steely in the winter sunshine. The captain remembered the low ground in which the barn and outbuildings upon the "Cap'n Abner place" stood, and judged that he and Kenelm might have to do some rescue work among the poultry later on. He went back to the house to suggest that work to Mr.

And don't reach for yore gun unless you want to hear the band begin to play a funeral piece." The words came, it seemed to Doble, out of the air. He looked up. Two great boulders lay edge to edge beside the path. Through a narrow rift the blue nose of a forty-five protruded. Back of it glittered a pair of steady, steely eyes. The foreman did not at all like the look of things.

As I continued silently to stare at him, his expression changed; the gray eyes grew less steely, and presently, clapping his hand upon my shoulder in his impulsive way "Petrie!" he cried, "you know I had no intention of hurting your feelings, but in the circumstances it was impossible for me to say less." "You have said enough, Smith," I replied shortly. "I beg of you to say no more."

"Have you read it already?" he asked, giving her one of his steely, probing glances. "No, sir, I did not open it, as I take little interest in continental politics. Gertrude, will you go or stay?" Mr. Murray put out his hand, took Gertrude's, and said: "Good-bye till to-morrow. Do not forget your promise." Turning away, he went in the direction of the stables.

The girls cast grave glances at the drooping birch, and their bright tears glistened in the fire-glow. Once more Joe's eyes glinted with that steely flash, and as he gazed out over the wide, darkening expanse of water his face grew cold and rigid.

"They are suffering from hunger," he said firmly. "You will have to see Mr. Strange," she said coolly. "He is in charge of the business." "This is a question for the head to decide," warned Ambrose. "You will have to see Mr. Strange," she repeated, unmoved. Ambrose's eyes flamed up. For a moment the two pairs contended Ambrose's passionate, Colina's steely.

There was Charlie Perigal, the boy with the steely blue eyes and the pretty curls, with whom she had quarrelled on the ground that he was in the habit of catching birds in nasty little brick traps; also, because, when taxed with this offence, he had defended his conduct and, a few moments later, had attempted to stone a frog in her highly indignant presence.

All I remember after that is the terrible steely grip of the captain's arms and a face, flushed, wild-eyed, horrible, that was close to mine and inevitably coming closer, though I fought and tore at it of hot feverish lips whose touch I knew would scorch me to the soul and then I was suddenly free, and falling, falling, a long way through darkness.

The cigarette between Mordaunt's fingers slowly doubled and crumpled into shapelessness, but the steely eyes never altered. They barred the way inflexibly to the man's inmost soul. He uttered neither question nor answer. But Jack was not to be silenced. "I tell you, she is ill," he said. "I saw her myself yesterday. She was simply broken down. I never saw such a change in anyone.