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It would be hard to drop them; but that, after all, was a minor trouble. He would be separated from Sylvia until his work should be done. "What a beautiful night!" she said at length. Summoning his resolution, he turned and looked at her. She stood with one hand resting on the gate, slender, graceful, and wonderfully attractive, the black dress emphasizing the pure whiteness of her face and hands.

As she heard him clatter down the stairs, Miss Stella Donovan of the New York Star knew that her visit would not be in vain. The miner waited, leaning against the desk. His eyes had followed the slender figure moving after the rotund Timmons up the uncarpeted stairs until it had vanished amid the shadows of the second story.

But she shook her head, and smiled, weakly: "No," she said. "I I had to to take off part of my clothes. Dr. DeLancey was an old man; some assert that he fell overboard. However, be that as it may, when he came to the surface, he had his arm around Kathryn Blair, and she had his long coat draped around her slender figure.... And, as they lifted her to the deck, she fainted.

"Our loss is greater than I wish it was," wrote Alexander to Philip: "It was a very close thing, and I have never been more anxious in my life as to the result for your Majesty's service. The whole fate of the battle was hanging all the time by a thread." More than ever were reinforcements necessary, and it was only by a miracle that the victory had at last been gained with such slender resources.

With both of his own hands he grasped the slender, inquisitive fingers which wavered above the stained pillow, and once more his throat tightened. He couldn't cry out again. Straightway Bobby repented the alarm he had, perhaps too impulsively, given.

Two shadows were there now, one easily recognizable as that of the young officer in his snugly-fitting undress uniform, the other slender, graceful, feminine. "What do you make that other shadow to be, corporal?" he whispered, hoarsely and hurriedly. "Look!"

From a little horse-hair-covered sofa set before this window my visitor rose to greet me, and with my hand upon the knob of the door I paused. For certainly this was a stranger who stood before me! She was tall and very slender, attired with great elegance, and in her whole appearance there was something markedly foreign or perhaps I should say exotic.

Overcome by the feelings suddenly excited by this news, Natalie sank again upon her seat and covered her face with her hands. Tears gushed out between her delicate, slender fingers; her whole being was in violent, feverish commotion.

You will see ere you conclude this letter that you are the only man living to whom I could intrust the secret it contains and the task it enjoins. You are aware that I was not born to the fortune that passed to me by the death of a distant relation, who had, in my earlier youth, children of his own. I was an only son, left an orphan at the age of sixteen with a very slender pittance.

By the sixth century B. C. the Greek colonies were well established on the west and south-west coasts of Asia Minor, and had evolved their own characteristic architectural idiom in the Ionic order and its column, more slender than the Doric, with its moulded base and its strange characteristic capital, unsuitable from the constructional point of view in stone or marble, yet ultimately attaining the exquisite beauty of line and modelling of the capitals of the Erechtheion at Athens.