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It was just as far, however, as the pole would reach; and as it was a slender sapling without any stiffness in it, they were unable to do anything in the way of giving him a poke. No doubt, had the entrance to his den been wider, even the tickling of the pole would have caused him to "turn out;" for a bear, unless badly wounded, will not stand much badgering.

It must be confessed, however, that if the response was vague, the satisfaction was great, and that Rowland, after his second visit, kept seeing a lurking reflection of this smile in the most unexpected places. It seemed strange that she should please him so well at so slender a cost, but please him she did, prodigiously, and his pleasure had a quality altogether new to him.

It is a delicate little creature, the breast of a faint and dull yellowy green, the wings the lightest brown, and there is a pencilled streak over the eye. The beak is so slender it scarce seems capable of the work it should do, the legs and feet so tiny that they are barely visible.

Although slender, she was, in fact, quite tall and wide shouldered and there was something about her which seemed to justify the use of the diminutive adjective. Possibly it was her face, which was really small and very pretty, with perfect cameo-like features and an odd, deprecating, almost painfully humble expression.

I, too, am travelling across the world in search of happiness." "If there is nothing bad in it I am quite willing," answered Broad. And they continued their journey together. A little further on they met a very slender man, frightfully thin, and tall and straight as a portico. "Whither are you going, good man?" asked Matthias, filled with curiosity at his strange appearance.

So, leaving Don and Dot to watch the cubs, Mike went to the cook's cabin and hunted for a bottle with a slender neck. With a red-hot wire he bored a small hole through a cork and, after filling the bottle with diluted condensed milk and oatmeal gruel, he drove the cork into the neck. He wrapped the bottle inside his coat and hurried over to the cabin with it.

He was a slender little dark-haired fellow, under sixteen, a miniature of Ned. The surgeon had just taken up his knife to cut into the deep flesh wound for the Minie ball embedded there. John saw the slender face go white and the terror-stricken young eyes search the room for help. His breath came in quick gasps and he was about to faint. John slipped his arm around him: "Just a minute, Doctor "

While the camel's feet, however, are formed for passing over the burning sands or level ground, and are therefore broad and cushioned, those of the llama, to enable it to climb the rugged crags of the Cordilleras, are slender, elastic, and claw-tipped.

He could see that she had small feet and slender ankles, and while he looked at her, she rubbed her foot against her leg and he saw for a moment or two the flash of a white petticoat.... "I was at the Royal the day!" he called to her. She turned round quickly. "Were you?" she said. "Was it good?" "It was grand. I enjoyed it the best," he answered.

Phil's eyes were dazzled by the glare; he sought the shade of a palm tree and leant against its slender trunk. Presently he became aware that something was watching him from a sandy bank not far away. It was a Lizard surely the queerest Lizard that Nature had ever made.