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An hour or two more they spent in gliding up the narrow channel of that salt-water swamp, which at high tide appeared so glittering from the Thornhurst road. When approached, it was a muddy chaos, desolate as an uninhabited world. They went as far up-stream as the little steamer could run, and then landed on the bank which abutted on some rushy meadows.

She tendered her utmost thanks as she landed, again with damage to her shoes, on the rushy bank opposite. Their friends in need, having successfully punted over Beatrice and Verity also, bade them a laughing good-bye, and resumed their easy course down stream, leaving three very grateful girls behind them. "That's helped us out of a fix!

Musk-rats build a little house of rushes, and plaster it, they have two chambers, and do not lie torpid, they build in shallow, rushy places in lakes but in spring they quit their winter houses and are often found in holes among the roots of trees. They live on mussels and shell fish. The fur is used in making caps, and hats, and fur gloves." "Nurse, did you ever see a tame beaver?"

All hands were now employed in shooting crows; which, with some cockatoos, and a small scrub wallabi, gave us several good messes. Mr. Gilbert and Brown had, on their excursion, found a rushy lagoon on the left bank of the Isaacs, at a short half-mile from its junction with Hughs's Creek.

'Trespassing? said I. 'I have fished here all my life; I am Walter Clifford, and this belongs to my father. 'Well, said the man, 'I've heerd it did belong to Colonel Clifford onst, but now it belongs to Muster Mills; so you must fish in your own water, young gentleman, and leave ourn to us as owns it. Till I was eighteen I used to shoot snipes in a rushy bottom near Calverley Church.

The ridge by which we had approached it terminated suddenly and directly over it; to our right there were other ridges terminating in a similar manner, with rushy flats between them; eastward the country was dark and very low; to the north there was a desert of glittering white sand in low hillocks, scattered over with dwarf brush, and on it the heat was playing as over a furnace.

Britling's thoughts shaped themselves in words as he prowled one night in March, chill and melancholy, across a rushy meadow under an overcast sky. The death squeal of some little beast caught suddenly in a distant copse had set loose this train of thought. "Life struggling under a birth curse?" he thought.

Musk-rats build a little house of rushes, and plaster it; they have two chambers, and do not lie torpid; they build in shallow, rushy places in lakes, but in spring they quit their winter houses and are often found in holes among the roots of trees; they live on mussels and shell-fish. The fur is used in making caps, and hats, and fur gloves." "Nurse, did you ever see a tame beaver?"

It happened on a night of nights as the saying goes that thus we were gathered in the rushy flat of Elrigmore and our hearts easy as to reivers for was not MacCailein scourging them over the north? when a hint came to us of a strange end to these Lorn wars, and of the last days of the Lord of Argile.

The Guanacos, when they have plenty of the rushy grass, on which they love to feed, never require any drink, but they have no cells in their stomach for the secretion of water: they are particularly active in throwing out their saliva at the least offence.