United States or Wallis and Futuna ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was a 'Round Robin' from the tenants. All had signed a memorial, setting forth the depression, and respectfully, even humbly, asking that their case be taken into consideration, and that a percentage be returned, or the rent reduced. Their heavy land, they pointed out, had been peculiarly difficult to work in such seasons.

So he looked up the road and down the road to see who might come, until at last he saw someone drawing near, riding upon a horse. When the traveler came nigh enough for him to see him well, Robin laughed, for a strange enough figure he cut. He was a thin, wizened man, and, to look upon him, you could not tell whether he was thirty years old or sixty, so dried up was he even to skin and bone.

"That we touch not," quoth Robin, "for this Quentin is an honest fellow, who hath risen by his own thrift." So the bales of silk were laid aside unopened. "One bale of silk velvet for the Abbey of Beaumont." "What do these priests want of silk velvet?" quoth Robin. "Nevertheless, though they need it not, I will not take all from them.

But stay, Little John, here are two bags that I would have thee carry in thy pouch for the sake of safekeeping. I can ill care for them myself beneath this motley." "Why, master," quoth Little John, taking the bags and weighing them in his hand, "here is the chink of gold." "Well, what an there be," said Robin, "it is mine own coin and the band is none the worse for what is there.

I heard it that time ... the faint, sweet note of the male sea-robin. Shortly afterward we heard the mewing of a sea-puss, evidently chasing the robin. "Sure enough, sir," said Triplett. "It'll be land." Somehow we felt sure of it. In calm elation and tired expectancy we strained our eyes through the slow crescendo of the day's birth.

Meg, I've seen somebody go by to-day as was like Posy, only pale and thin; but when I ran out, she was gone like a shadow. I'm a-going to tell Dr Christie; he knows all about Posy and me. But Meg scarcely heard what Mrs Blossom said. All her thoughts and interest centred in Robin, and she felt impatient of the slow progress of her companion.

He then opened a glass case, took out six birds, and stood them on the window-sill. "See, this is the way they go arm in arm when they walk in the great procession of Bird families: "The Bluebird and the Robin; "The Wood Thrush and the Veery; "The Hermit and the Olive-back. "Rap, my boy, look at each one and see if you can remember some of the differences between them.

Taft's suggestions were cabled to the President together with Mr. Taft's statement that, "My impression is that if the one article already sent, on the Monroe Doctrine, be inserted in the Treaty, sufficient Republicans who signed the Round Robin would probably retreat from their position and vote for ratification so that it would carry.

I sometimes had a snooze on a form in the 'Robin Hood, and sometimes a nap in a chair during the day; but regular sleep I had absolutely none.

A penny for a guinea was as much as Robin Cockscroft was likely ever to see for his outlay upon this very fine young fellow. Jack Anerley accepted the situation with the large philosophy of a sailor; and all he wanted from Mr. Mordacks was leave to be present at the diving job. This he obtained, as he promised to be useful, and a fourth oar was likely to be needed.