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Instid av layin' it up against Frankie, and lookin' for revinge, the way people ginerally suppose Mexicans and Spaniards do, the don shook hands, and became wan av Frankie's bist friends." Ephraim leaned forward to pat his wife's cheek. "Your old dad is a jim-hickey, Terese," he said. Juanita had been smiling, and now she laughed outright in a rippling, musical manner.

"'Huzza! huzza! huzza! from the O'Hallaghans. 'Bravo, boys! there's one of them done for: whoo! my darlings! hurroo! the O'Hallaghans for ever! "The scene now changes to the O'Callaghan side. "'Jack oh, Jack, avourneen hell to their sowls for murdherers Paddy's killed his skull's smashed! Revinge, boys, Paddy O'Callaghan's killed!

I'm younger than ye ivver saw me in all your life before." "And what and where was the fountain?" said Franklin, as he seated himself at his desk. "The one fountain of all on earth, me boy Succiss succiss! The two dearest things of life are Succiss and Revinge. I've found thim both.

I'm now satisfied; you refused to marry me you made a May-game of me a laughin' stock of me, and your father tould my father that I had legs like reapin' hooks! Now, from the day you refused to marry me, I swore I'd never die till I'd have my revinge, and I have it; who has the laugh now, Margaret Murray?"

"What did you enlist for, anyway, Terence?" broke in a Second Lieutenant. "It's aisy seeing that it wasn't for a Lieutenant's pay," retorted Terence, to the amusement of the crowd, and then, as earnestness gathered upon his countenance, he continued: "I enlisted for revinge, and there's little prospect of my seeing a chance for it." "For revenge?" said several. "Yis, for revinge.

"Tom Auley's been up watchin' this three nights now," confides the other old gossip. "Thim dirty b'y's troublin' his pigs in the sthy, and having every stramash about the place, all for revinge upon him for gettin' the police afther thim when they sthole his hins. 'T was as well for him too, they're dirty bligards, the whole box and dice of them."

"Act," said he, "as O'Donovan did, whom you yourself prosecuted and placed in the very cell in which you now stand." "Connor O'Donovan!" he exclaimed, "he might well bear to die; he was innocent; it was I that burned Bodagh Buie's haggard; he had neither act nor part in it no more than the child unborn. I swore away his life out of revinge to his father an' jealousy of himself about Una O'Brien.

"What 'ud you think if there was sich a thing as revinge in the world? I'm not suspectin' any one, but at the same time, a woman's revinge is the worst and deepest of all revinges. You know very well that she suspects you and, indeed, so does the world." "But very wrongly, you know, Anthony," replied the baronet, with a smile dark as murder.

"What, Biddy? let us hear it." "Why, that you could be mane an' shabby! enough to come as a sarvint to ate the bread of the man that ruined yees!" "Biddy," replied Flanagan, "I'm glad! you've said it; but do you think that I have so bad a heart as too keep revinge in against an inimy? How could I go to my knees at night, if I no, Biddy, we must be Christians.

Sure my grandfather, glory be to God, was hanged for killin' a Sassenagh gauger, and my own father, Miss Julia, did his endeavors to be as great as the best of them, knowin' no other way for to vex and revinge himself upon the dirty Sassenaghs of the country; for sure, you know yourself, it's full o' them' ay, about us in all directions.