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I'm dying for the breast." This was almost too absurd; but I gravely observed, "That it was all very true, but unfortunately his mother had died in childbirth, and the only remedy was to bring him up by hand." He agreed with me. I desired the nurse to make some gruel with brandy, and feed him; which she did, and he took the gruel just as if he were a baby.

Her eyes brimmed with a sadness past remedy. "What a funny question from you you, who have taken from me the only thing I ever let myself want the love and dependence of those children. Success, and having whatever you want, are such common things with you, that you must count them very cheap; but you can't judge what they mean to others or what they may cost them."

"It is quite exciting!" she thought; "I was wondering a while ago what I should do to amuse myself in the country, and here I am called upon at once to remedy wrongs and settle village feuds! Nothing could be more novel and delightful!" Aloud, she said, "None of the people who were in my father's service will lose their places with me, unless for some very serious fault.

Seeing the evil to be almost past remedy, he undertook to do violence to heaven, that he might obtain for the sick man the thoughts of true repentance, and the grace of a religious death. For he made a vow upon the place, to say a great number of masses, in honour of the most Holy Trinity, of the Blessed Virgin, of the angels, and some of the saints, to whom he had a particular devotion.

When autumn came, the hauntings began again, and now it was the yeoman's daughter who was most assailed, till in the end she died of fright. Many plans were tried, but all to no effect, and it seemed as if all Water-dale would be laid waste unless some remedy could be found. "All this befell in the days of Grettir, the son of Asmund, who was the strongest man of his day in Iceland.

How this is to be effected, the writer does not sufficiently explain. He points to immediate interference, from which expression we are led to believe he points at some such proceeding as an Order in Council, to be pronounced during the recess of Parliament. If so, we may dismiss this gentleman and his remedy in a very summary manner.

If, however, such things should sometimes happen, from any cause whatever, the remedy is by appeal, and new trial. Judges do not even live up to that part of their own maxim, which requires jurors to try the matter of fact.

He began to laugh, but stopped abruptly as Julian, who was seated near him, with a sudden, clumsy movement, upset a stream of cocoa across the breakfast-table. This created an instant diversion. Mr. Lorimer turned upon him vindictively, and soundly smacked his head, Mrs. Lorimer covered her face and wept, and Avery, with Gracie close behind, hurried to remedy the disaster.

They admit that the rest of Ireland is not prosperous as they are, and is not contented; and, that being so, they have come here in a spirit of true patriotism to see what is proposed as a remedy; and, as I understand it, they only stipulate that in any scheme of reform their rights and interests and sentiments shall be safeguarded and respected.

But if the dose of the remedy given is too large it will aggravate the disease, as a cathartic dose of a cathartic remedy will aggravate a diarrhoea; but the vital forces may react and overcome the disease, or they may not, and the disease continue even worse than before.