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When a furious redowa set in which cut our conversation into rhythm he pushed up the window and said, "Look out." I turned my face to him to do so, and saw the moon at the full, riding through the strip of sky which our vision commanded. From the moon our eyes fell on each other.

The figure will explain whether it is the gentlemen, or the ladies, or both, who are to perform it. Pas d'Allemande, the gentleman turns his partner under each arm in succession. Pas de Basque, a kind of sliding step forward, performed with both feet alternately in quick succession. Used in the Redowa and other dances. Comes from the South of France. Glissade, a sliding step.

Her perfumed skirts brushed him as she flew by in the redowa, but she never looked up. "He shall see how little I care," thought jealous Rose. "I suppose he thinks I am dying for him, but he shall find out how much he is mistaken." With this thought in her mind, she sat down while her partner went for an ice. It was the first time that night she had been a moment alone. Mr.

Many of the officers' wives accompanied the regiment, and these helped to make up the quadrille, the mazurka, the redowa, at that time the latest dance, and every day saw a merry gathering of revelers.

"How very pretty Miss Podge looks!" "What a good redowa!" "Are you going to Mrs. Potiphar's?" Is this the assembled flower of manhood and womanhood, called "best society," and to see which is so envied a privilege? If such are the elements, can we be long in arriving at the present state, and necessary future condition of parties? "Vanity Fair," is peculiarly a picture of modern society.

Looking much gratified, Tom produced the stump of a lead-pencil, and wrote his name with a flourish, saying, as he gave it back, "Now I 'm going to get Sherry, or some of the fellows that do the redowa well, so you can have a real good go before the music stops." Off went Tom; but before he could catch any eligible partner, Polly was provided with the best dancer in the room. Mr.

She would awake presently, to hear her step-mother's shrill call to come and help in the kitchen, and the howls of the juvenile Darrells down the passage. A familiar voice rouses her. "You'll not forget, I hope, Edith," Charley is saying, "that next redowa is mine. At present I am going to meander through the lancers with Mrs. Featherbrain."

You really should be careful, my dear boy, how you use the charms a beneficent Providence has showered upon you. As you are strong, be merciful, and all that sort of thing." The hours go on. Edith eats her water ice, and talks very animatedly to her baronet. The Americans are an interesting people, he thinks that must be why. Then the redowa begins, and Charley returns and carries her off.

It was an insignificant little picture, representing a simple round face with ringlets; and it made, as it must be confessed, a very poor figure by the side of Mademoiselle Petitot, dancing over a rainbow, or Mademoiselle Redowa, grinning in red boots and a lancer's cap.

Of these, the best known, which I might mention, are the tarantella of the Neapolitans, the bolero and fandango of the Spaniards, the mazurka and cracovienna of Poland, the cosack of Russia, the redowa of Bohemia, the quadrille and cotillion of France, the waltz, polka and gallopade of Germany, the reel and sword dance of Scotland, the minuet and hornpipe of England, the jig of Ireland, and the last to capture America is the tango."