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De Marmont had vainly tried in this wild gallopade to distinguish his rival's face among this mass of foreigners. As for the Englishman! Well! no doubt he had disappeared long ago out of Crystal de Cambray's life. De Marmont had never feared him greatly.

Later in the evening, as the mother saw Jacobi dance the gallopade with Louise and Gabriele, whilst he made all happy with his joy, and his eyes beamed with life and goodness, she thought to herself even virtue has her carelessness; and she was well satisfied with his plans.

A lake in the centre of this luxurious vegetation, placid as sleep itself, only stirred by the webbed feet of waterfowl, or the wings of dipping swallows, with above and below a brawling rivulet, here and there showing cascades like the tails of white horses, or the skirts of ballroom belles floating through waltz or gallopade. In correspondence with these fair sights are the sounds heard.

He had the two in the house to contrast them, and . . . the result! A young woman with brains in a house beats all your beauties. Lady Culmer and I have determined on that view. He thought her a delightful partner for a dance, and found her rather tiresome at the end of the gallopade. I saw it yesterday, clear as daylight. She did not understand him, and he did understand her.

And I was forced to gallopade up and down that verandah till I felt half dead with fatigue. As for the trifling difficulty about music, that was supplied by Captain George and Mr. U whistling in turn, time being kept by clapping the top and bottom of my silver butter dish together, cymbal-wise. Oh, dear! It takes my breath away now even to think of those evenings!

When the dowager collects "her dear five hundred friends" to parade before the fresh young heirs her wax-light lovely daughters when all is glory, gallopade, and Gunter when Rubini warbles smallest, and Lablanche is heard as thunder on the stairs speak, tradesmen, ye who best can tell, the closeness that has catered for that feast; tell it out, ye famished milliners, ground down to sixpence on a ball-dress bill; whisper it, ye footmen, with your wages ever due; let Gath, let Askelon re-echo with the truth, that extortion is the parent of extravagance!

While yet many score yards off, other rhythmic sounds than those she had quitted became audible to her; sounds that she knew well so well. They were a regular series of thumpings from the interior of the house, occasioned by the violent rocking of a cradle upon a stone floor, to which movement a feminine voice kept time by singing, in a vigorous gallopade, the favourite ditty of "The Spotted Cow"

I continued my labours, but ere three minutes had elapsed, I heard a dreadful confusion above stairs, on faisoit une horrible tintamarre, and I could occasionally distinguish oaths and execrations. Presently doors were flung open, and there was an awful rushing downstairs, a gallopade.

After wandering through the windings of the Grecian Archipelago, they passed the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, stirring the two narrow passageways with the violence of their invisible gallopade and making a turn at the bowl of the Black Sea, swimming back, decimated but impetuous, to the depths of the Mediterranean.

At the few balls I have hitherto frequented it has been a harmless figure enough; hands all round, and a repetition of l'été. But now oh, horror! what do I see? Everybody far and near is standing in attitude to gallopade.