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"I told you," said he, "that my only visit was to be to our odd old neighbor. I was at his gate, when you called. And now, what do you want?" "I want to tell you," said Matthew Maltboy, "that Miss Whedell the Juno-like young lady with the handkerchief, you know is " "All your fancy painted her," interrupted Marcus. "She's lovely she's divine," said Maltboy, rapturously finishing the quotation.

"Well, well, let us have breakfast," interrupted Marilla. "I must say, Anne, I don't think you needed the dress; but since Matthew has got it for you, see that you take good care of it. There's a hair ribbon Mrs. Lynde left for you. It's brown, to match the dress. Come now, sit in." "I don't see how I'm going to eat breakfast," said Anne rapturously.

You should see the plains of sage! It grows wild." "And there's ducks, you say?" observed Susan Peckaby. "It's convenient to have sage in plenty where there's ducks," added she to the assembly in general. "What a land it must be!" "A land that's not to be ekalled! A land flowing with milk and honey!" rapturously echoed Brother Jarrum.

All her doubts, all her griefs were forgotten! Ah! If the hour of separation is cruel when it sounds in the ears of those who love, how sweet is the hour that reunites them! Antoinette clung rapturously to Philip's breast, and Mr. and Mrs. Reed, wishing to allow the young people to enjoy each other's society undisturbed, left the room; but before he went, Mr.

Her heart beat rapturously at the sight of John Meredith in the pulpit. "His vacation didn't freshen him up much," she thought, after a shrewd glance. "He's paler and don't look real peart. Sorter like Bud arter he got up from the fever." Her attention was diverted from the rector by the vision of Colette coming down the aisle.

Elinor looked surprised at his emotion; but trying to laugh off the subject, she said to him, "Do not you know my sister well enough to understand what she means? Do not you know she calls every one reserved who does not talk as fast, and admire what she admires as rapturously as herself?" Edward made no answer.

We had lost twenty days at the beginning of our voyage, and at its close the had been almost taken by an English squadron. Under these circumstances, how rapturously we inhaled the balmy, air of Provence! Such was our joy, that we were scarcely sensible of the disheartening news which arrived from all quarters.

The dog leapt up like a mad creature and rushed bounding before him rapturously. Kolya opened the door to peep atthe kids.” They were both sitting as before at the table, not reading but warmly disputing about something. The children often argued together about various exciting problems of life, and Nastya, being the elder, always got the best of it.

"Yes, dear one, love me as I have for years loved you." She raised her eyes now; they were streaming with tears; but through them all she said: "I have looked into my heart, and I find that I have ever loved you!" "Sweet words! O, happy assurance," said the soldier, rapturously. "One word will explain all to thee. I was spoiled when in childhood.

She trembled and clung to him rapturously. "I live!" she whispered. "Oh! I am mad with happiness! It is Chunda Lal that gives me life for he tells me the truth. It is not with the living-death that he touches me; it is a trick, it is all a trick to bind me to him! Oh, Chunda Lal! Hurry! he is going to kill him!"