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They are sometimes troubled with the Small Pox, but their ordinary Distempers are Fevers, Agues, Fluxes, with great pains, and gripings in their Guts. The Country affords a great many Drugs and Medicinal Herbs, whose Virtues are not unknown to some of them that pretend to cure the Sick. The Mindanao Men have many Wives: but what Ceremonies are used when they Marry I know not.

"He vos veigh most a don, I dink." "Why didn't you let an expressman bring it?" asked Dick. "Not much!" declared the German youth, shaking his head vigorously. "Vonce I haf a pox mid a new hat in him, und I say to a poy, carry dot und I gif you den cents. Vell he is carrying dot yet, I dink, for I ton't see dot hat no more, nefer!"

Would so much progress have been possible had man still persisted in the belief that disease was due to demoniac intervention, and that the sum total of all knowledge humanly possible was contained in the Bible? It is no longer necessary for children to choke to death with diphtheria. Yellow fever, and small pox in civilized countries are, or could be, wiped from the face of the earth.

Collins who had hunted up the Netul on this Side returned in the evening haveing killed a buck Elk. Willard Still Continue very unwell the other Sick men have nearly recovered. Goodrich & McNeal who have the Pox are recovering fast, the former nearly well.

Thus in the Salem Gazette of April 22, 1784, after Point Shirley was set aside as a small-pox retreat, it was advertised that "Classes will be admitted for Small pox." These classes were real country outings, having an additional zest of novelty since one could fully participate in the pleasures, profits, and pains of a small-pox party but once in a lifetime.

Then came a long, dark complexioned, curly pated slip of a lad, with white teeth and high strongly marked features, considerably pitted with small pox. He seemed the great promoter of fun and wickedness in the party, and was familiarly addressed as the Don, although I believe his real name was Mr Lucifer Longtram.

The small pox is another disease against the introduction of which quarantine laws have been established.

'tis fitt for groomes, not men magnanimous, to be so bashfull: speake boldly to them, that like cannon shott your breath may batter; you would hardly dare to take in townes and expugne fortresses, that cannot demolish a paltry woman. Crac. Pox of this Country, it has metamorphisd me.

For what portion of God is there, for that sin, 'from above, and what inheritance of the Almighty from on high? And then he answers himself: 'Is not destruction to the wicked, and a strange punishment to the workers of iniquity? This strange punishment is the pox.

He has few of those faults which I most fear; God be thanked that he loves the truth, for there is yet a chance of his correction. A chance, said I?" he cried, his speech coming more rapid, "nay, he shall be cured! I little thought, fool that I was, that he would get this pox.