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It is a most difficult bit of reasoning, which I have gone over and over again on paper with diagrams. I shall be intensely curious to see your article in the Journal of Travel. Many thanks for such answers as you could give. From what you say I should have inferred that birds of paradise were probably polygamous. But after all, perhaps it is not so important as I thought.

On the fertile soil of Rythar there were one hundred women and thirty men. All the boys had taken mates before they reached seventeen. Seventy girls were left unmarried, with no prospect of ever having husbands. A score or more became second wives in polygamous homes, but plural marriage had no appeal for Mryna. She was firmly determined to possess a man of her own.

These foundations we can find if we remember that the social history of the Negro did not start in America. He was brought from a definite social environment, the polygamous clan life under the headship of the chief and the potent influence of the priest.

He preaches in Utah that to deny the doctrine of polygamy is to reject the teaching of Jesus Christ; before the Senate committee he was coward enough to put the blame of his polygamous cohabitation upon his five wives. In Washington he claimed that the Gentiles of Utah condoned polygamous cohabitation and had a liberal sympathy for the Church; but at St.

A large hen with a late-hatched brood of chicks, whose colors suggested the polygamous conditions under which her matrimonial affairs were carried on, with feathers ruffled and comb flaming, with head lowered and beak agape, was angrily defying an absurd-looking pig which had scarcely passed its sucking age. They had met quite suddenly round the corner of the implement shed.

Even the women who were leading the national protest against the polygamous teaching and practices of Smoot's fellow apostles were told that the President had made up his mind and could not be re-convinced. The Mormon appeal to his generosity was not confined to Washington.

Pendomer hesitated for a moment, and then plunged into the heart of things. "You are a woman, dear," she said, gently, "though heaven knows it must have been only yesterday you were playing about the nursery and one of the facts we women must face, eventually, is that man is a polygamous animal. It is unfortunate, perhaps, but it is true.

As to other species, the very numbers of their bands, always containing many males, render the "polygamous family" more than doubtful further observation is evidently wanted. Lubbock, Prehistoric Times, fifth edition, 1890. That extension of the ice-cap is admitted by most of the geologists who have specially studied the glacial age.

In South America the Mycetes caraya presents well-marked sexual differences, in colour, beard, and vocal organs; and the male generally lives with two or three wives: the male of the Cebus capucinus differs somewhat from the female, and appears to be polygamous. On the Gorilla, Savage and Wyman, 'Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. v. 1845-47, p. 423.

He was alone, a tyrant the destroyer of the family. But I saw, too, that his polygamous jealousy served as a means to the end of advance in progress. It was the male’s non-social conduct that had forced social conduct upon the females. And I understood that the patriarchal tyrant was just the one thing I had been looking for.