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She inclined to plumpness, was lively in the extreme, wore very fashionable garments of the brightest colours, and although somewhat elderly still cherished a hope that some young man would elevate her to the rank of a matron.

Limbs were renovated, sores were filled up, organs were reformed in their entirety, plumpness returned to the emaciated, all with the velocity of a lightning flash! Science was completely baffled.

"Which would be rather good for us," remarked the practical Elsa. "I am sure we eat too much, and Gisela has a tendency to plumpness. But your turn will not come for four years yet, dear child. It is poor us that will need all our vows." After some deliberation they concluded to inform their mother of their grim resolve.

She has such high principles, such ideals, such wonderful aspirations " She clasped her hands sentimentally: "At times, Phil, she seems too ethereal, scarcely of earth and yet I breakfasted with her and she ate twice as much as I did. How does she keep that glorious figure!" Plumpness was the bane and terror of Camilla's life.

Not polite perspiration, be it noted, such as would have been excusable in a gentleman of his pale and sleek plumpness, but soul-wrung sweat, the globules whereof gathered in the grayish hollows under his eyes and assailed, not without effect, the glistening expanse of his tall white collar. He darted a glance at Bertram, then turned to Average Jones.

"Yes, Maria, I be," returned her father, with uncommon plumpness, as if here now were something he had made up his mind to stand to. "I been thinkin' that Lyddy's a woman grown, as you may say." "Yes," admitted Miss Maria, "she's a woman, as far forth as that goes. What put it into your head?" "Well, I d'know as I know.

He had been picturing May as still rather rosy and inclined to plumpness, essentially suggestive of good nature and repose; now, he saw her thin, almost angular, a little hard of feature, though retaining some of her good looks. In his calculations, he had forgotten the four children she had brought into the world since he had seen her last.

Mary entered the barn, removed the prop, lowered the board, and kneeling, stroked the hen, and talked softly to her. She slipped a hand under the hen, and lifted her to see the eggs. Dannie staring at Mary noted closer the fresh, cleared skin, the glossy hair, the delicately colored cheeks, and the plumpness of the bare arms.

The fourth consideration is a certain plumpness, in other words, a superabundance of the vegetative function, plasticity.... Hence excessive thinness strikingly repels us.... The last consideration that influences us is a beautiful face. Here, too, the bone parts are taken into account before everything else.

The years had also changed the round, school-girl plumpness into a slim yet strong figure; and as she entered the parlor, quite casually, be it repeated, with a large basket of flowers held carelessly in one hand and a great hat shading her face, the blushes that sprang to her cheeks at the wholly unexpected discovery of a visitor quite astonished Wickersham.