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Jimmy's knowledge of Greek was a minus quantity, and he said frankly that he considered all that kind of thing "more or less rot." Nevertheless, Dion persevered. One morning when they were going to get to work as usual in the pavilion, chose by Mrs. Clarke as the suitable place for his studies, taking up the Greek Grammar Dion opened it by chance.

I craved, literally gasped, for my accustomed stimulant, and felt that I should die if I did not have it; but I persevered in my resolve, and withstood the temptations which assailed me on every hand. Still, during all this frightful time I experienced a feeling somewhat akin to satisfaction at the position I had taken. I made at least one step toward reformation.

We walked in line, laboriously, halting every now and then to wait for one or the other to flounder out of a deep place; and when the sun got up the glare from the water made me think of sunstroke; however, we persevered and managed to get fourteen couple before lunch time, and I found my American five-shooter the very thing for the work.

But Ottilie persevered in her silence, and Edward could do nothing except entreat his wife to exert a patience which seemed wanting to himself. Charlotte sent messengers to Mittler and to the Major. The first was absent from home and could not be found. The latter came.

After their deaths, however, his emoluments began to be cut down on the plea of economy, and as he took very little trouble to carry out any other than scientific duties it was easy enough for his enemies to find fault. One after another source of income was cut off, but he persevered with his scientific work, including a catalogue of stars.

It is hardly an exaggeration to say that every shot told; and if several hit one man, on the other hand some single bolts struck two men, and that helped to bring up the average. For a good ten minutes the plucky fanatics persevered, thirsting like tigers for the blood of their foes; and the carnage was fearful.

At a desk near the entrance, a slovenly office boy sat reading a dime novel. He looked up as Jim entered and nodded with familiar insolence. The advance man was no stranger there. Each day for months past, he had climbed those dingy stairs, only to get the same discouraging answer: "Nothing doing." Yet he had persevered. He never let a day go by without dropping in at least once.

'Oh! but she is, persisted Molly. 'She's grown quite a beauty sin' I saw her. And if I don't tell her so, the men will. 'Be quiet wi' thee, said Sylvia, more than half offended, and turning away in a huff at the open barefaced admiration. 'Ay; but they will, persevered Molly. 'Yo'll not keep her long, Mistress Robson.

I haven't been in my present position very long." "I suppose you did see him though?" I persevered. "How was he looking after his accident seedy at all?" "He was very thin, if you mean that," laughed my informant. "He limped about with a crutch, too, and as he had bumped his forehead in the same fall which sprained his ankle, he wore a green shade that covered his temples and his eyes."

Then grasping the end of the oar, and pointing the blade land-wards, he struck out vigorously with his legs. It was a long and weary swim, but as his life depended on it, the seaman persevered. When he felt his strength giving way, he raised not only his heart but his voice in prayer to God, and felt restored each time that he did so.