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"The Senor Perkins," he said, with an apologetic gesture of his hand to his hatless head. "You want ME, my good man?" asked Senor Perkins paternally. "Si, Senor; the mate wishes to see the Patrono," he said in Spanish. "I will come presently." The sailor hesitated. Senor Perkins took a step nearer to him benignantly. The man raised his eyes to Senor Perkins, and said, "Vigilancia."

Cáncer or the Dominican Hernando del Castillo could be appointed with Perez; but before any determination was taken, he begged leave to consult his legal adviser. As might have been expected, Ortiz de Funes fell in with his client's view and two days later made a formal application to the Court that Perez be appointed patrono, with either Cáncer or Castillo to help him.

These phrases can scarcely have been used in their natural sense, for Luis de Leon concluded his written petition by stating that he was still willing to accept Mancio as his patrono, if Mancio were able to be present at Valladolid. Should this be impossible, the prisoner asked that Dr. Vadillo, Canon of Plasencia, and the Augustinian Fray Francisco Cueto should be assigned to him as patronos.

On March 6 Luis de Leon once more complained of being unable to confer with his patrono; but now, rather late in the day, he came nearer to putting the blame on the right shoulders. On March 15 Mancio wrote a letter to the judges, promising to attend at Valladolid unless absolutely prevented from doing so.

On October 22 the prisoner showed signs of increasing distrust, for he then requested the return of thirty-two sheets of paper, covered with notes for his defence, which he himself had handed to Mancio. Luis de Leon's suspicions deepened rapidly. On October 25 he asked to be allowed to cancel his nomination of Mancio as patrono.

"It is Yoto. He says he is going ashore, and you will not forbid him." Senor Perkins approached the ship's side. "Come here," he said to the man. The Peruvian sailor rose, but did not make the slightest movement to obey the command. "You say you are going ashore?" said Perkins blandly. "Yes, Patrono." "What for?" "To follow him the thief, the assassin who struck me here;" he pointed to his head.

Without a word, he crossed over to the Senor's side. The men hesitated a moment longer, until one, with a strange foreign cry, threw himself on his knees before the Senor, ejaculating, "Pardon! pardon!" The others followed, some impulsively catching at the hand that had just slain their comrade, and covering it with kisses! "Pardon, Patrono we are yours."

It is more likely, however, that the three names were put forward in a paroxysm of impatience at a moment when Luis de Leon was willing to fall in with any arrangement which might hasten a decision of his case. Mancio was appointed patrono, and was duly sworn in at Valladolid on October 9, 1574; on October 13 he made a report favourable to the accused.

"It was just daybreak, Patrono, before we put about," began the man in Spanish, "that I thought I saw some one gliding along towards the fore-hatch; but I lost sight of him. After we had tumbled up to go on the other tack, I heard a noise in the fore-hold. I went down and found HIM," pointing to Hurlstone, "hiding there. He had some provisions stowed away beside him, and that package.

He was obviously taken aback at this proposal, and replying that, since he did not know any of the four, he was ignorant as to their qualifications, added that he had already requested the appointment of Sebastian Perez, professor of Theology at Párraces, as patrono. He renewed his request, adding that either Dr.