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"Don't anyone try to get into the craft yet," ordered Dick, as the canoe was slid out upon the water, Prescott holding the painter, which he tied around a sapling growing near the water's edge. "We want to make sure that this canoe is waterproof. If it stands twenty minutes without taking in water we'll know it's all right."

A painter, a friend of ours, who had been that day at our house, copying some old family portraits, happened to be in the street at that instant, and called out to the mob, "Gentlemen, it is yellow! Gentlemen, it is not orange!"

Wish I didn't have a blank cartridge in the rifle," replied the captain. They cruised for half a mile up Broad River, then back to its mouth against a tide that made the captain take the oars of the skiff, to which the painter of the motor-boat was then fastened.

"Nothing but blood will do any good here, and petty aggravations will only stir their bile and increase their insolence. Is the painter of whom you speak an Alexandrian? I pine for the open air, but the wind blows the rain against the windows." "In the field," the philosopher remarked, "you have faced the weather heroically enough. Here, in the city, enjoy what is placed before you.

The painter looked suspiciously at him, but the vicomte laughingly said that he had knocked against a stone, and so the painter continued: "The young lady has captivated me " "Of which lady are you speaking?" asked the vicomte, uneasily. "Of the pretty blonde, Mademoiselle de Larsagny!" "Ah! she is certainly very handsome," cried Spero, breathing more freely.

Here is our young friend shall judge. I wager my best nag that is, I would wager him had I one left that Alice proves the better painter of the two. My son's brain is still misty, I think, since his defeat he has not got the smoke of Worcester out of it. Plague on thee! a young man, and cast down for one beating? Had you been banged twenty times like me, it had been time to look grave.

Constable Painter camped, so to speak, in the drawing-room, keeping guard over the scene of the crime, and had placed the Chinese screen against the broken window to keep out the cold. In the bedroom Jane and Dr. Robinson looked after the dying woman. And dying she was, according to the young physician, for he did not think she would live much longer.

Come along!" There's no telling what an outdoor painter will submit to when an uncontrollable enthusiasm sweeps him off his feet, so to speak. "Any fish?" yelled the Man from the Quarter. "Yes, one squirming around my knees now shipped him a minute ago foot slipped. Awful glad to see you stay where you are till I get this high light." "Stay where I am!" bellowed the Sculptor. "Do you think I'm St.

We all know, though not as well as we should, the work of Defoe, and beside Defoe there stands a painter whom also we all know, the great Hogarth. We all at least have read Robinson Crusoe, and we have probably all seen Hogarth's engravings of the good and bad apprentices, and the series of paintings in the National Gallery known as the 'Marriage

I had a little circular cushion of stout pins in my pocket, such as a sailor might carry, and with them we brought the squares of the shirts together, and seized the corners to one of the oars by yarns out of an end of painter we cut off, then stepped the other oar, and secured it with another piece of the painter; and now we had a sort of sail, the mere sight of which, even, was a small satisfaction to us, since the shirts being white they must needs make a good mark upon the water, something not to be missed, unless wilfully, by a passing vessel.