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Tomaso's brother knew far better than did Johnny all the rules of commerce. Johnny's clumsy attempt to depreciate what he wanted very much to buy merely convinced Tomaso's brother of the extreme youthfulness of Johnny. "Well, I might as well give her the once-over, now I'm here," Johnny added with a fine air of indifference, and urged Sandy into a trot.

So deep-sunk was he in the social abyss that a proper hobo would not sit by the same fire with him. A gay-cat, who is an ignorant new-comer on the "Road," might sit with such as he, but only long enough to learn better. Even low down bindle-stiffs and stew-bums, after a once-over, would have passed this man by.

Last thing he done was to give his eighteen-carat squaw-catcher the once-over with his buckskin buffer, then he shined it at the chief's girl and trotted down to the startin'-line. I noticed that she glued her big-and-liquids on him and kept 'em there. It was beautiful to watch those two men jockey for a start; the Injun was lean and hungry and mighty smart but Mike was smarter still.

"Bonnie," he said, "one of our clients has been complained against by her next-door neighbor, a got-rich-quick lady, for obstructing the street with her motor. It's obviously a case of social envy, hatred and malice. Just take a run up there in the morning, give Mrs. Pierpont Pumpelly and her premises the once-over and let me know of any violations you happen to observe.

"'And from famine, pestilence and sudden death, and from the once-over by that penetrating young female, 'good Lord, deliver us," murmured Vic, falling into the seat beside his friend. "Take me home to mother," he added, and refused further speech till at his own door. He waved a weak adieu and staggered feebly into the house. Grant Maitland sat in his office, plainly disturbed in his mind.

"How I was going to get me a job up-town here, where I could get in with a decent crowd of girls, and not be known for the kind down there that you and all of 'em knew I I wasn't." "Sure we knew." "Yes, but what good does that do me? Can a dirty little yellow-haired snip over in the Fancy Fruits give me the once-over and a turn-down? She can. And why? Because I ain't certified.

"We're sure glad you two got away, Dunark. Well, Mart, what say we drag that guy in and give him the once-over?" Seaton swung the attractors holding the prisoner until they were in line with the main air-lock, then reduced the power of the repellers.

It was away being cleaned when you were here last. It's like dear Amelia, isn't it?" I suppose it was, in a way. At any rate, you could recognize the likeness when you were told who it was supposed to be. He sat down in front of it, and gave it the thoughtful once-over. "Do you know, Reggie, old top, sometimes when I sit here, I feel as if Amelia were back again."

Amusing things happen faster than he can stay to count them. A fire breaks out in a cigar store a few minutes before theatre time. It is extinguished immediately, but half the town has rushed down to see the excitement. The cigar store is almost next door to the theatre, and the crowd sees the lighted sign and drops in to give the show the once-over, thus giving one a capacity house.

Larry crossed to the big painter who was standing beside the power-bulged hood of his low-swung car. "Happened to drop in where she was brought her home aunt following in that hearse with its five-foot cushions she always rides in," Hunt explained. And then: "Well, I suppose you've got to give me the once-over. Hurry up, and get it done with." Larry obeyed.