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Tip didn't know it; he never found it out; probably he never will, until he takes his crown in heaven. From the humble little prayer which Tip had offered sprang the first buddings of the great revival which God sent down to them. "Say," said Howard Minturn to Ellis on the next Thursday evening, "let's go over to prayer-meeting to-night. I really am dreadfully anxious to hear Tip speak."

Seabrook," she began, "I have another confession to make to you, and I'm willing to take any punishment you may think I deserve. I do this because I want you to know the kind of girl Miss Minturn is, for I think you do not half appreciate her.

Seabrook rarely joined in these discussions, but Katherine observed that she was a very attentive listener. Miss Reynolds had become an enthusiastic student; in fact, she was having class instruction under Mrs. Minturn, and did not hesitate to avow her full acceptance of its teachings. Dr.

Minturn at six o'clock, and had no further work to do until the next day. Oh, those long evenings! What rapid progress he made! what a teacher Ray was! Could a boy help getting on who was so carefully and kindly led? What was not Ray to him? teacher, friend, brother; constant, unfailing, loving guide. Edward was learning to love him with an almost worship.

Minturn; the round table in the corner was covered with a bright red cloth, and strewn with a few books and papers; the full white curtain was looped away from the window, and the light of a clear sunset glimmered in the room; everything was neat and bright and cheery.

"Can I go with you, Uncle?" called Bert, who had heard his uncle getting ready to run down to the water's edge. "Yes, come along," answered Mr. Minturn, and as day began to peep through the heavy clouds, the two hurried down to the spot where the life-guards were burning their red light to tell the sailors their signal had been seen.

"Being an alphabetically arranged List of those who passed the entire Examination without making an error: WILLARD BAILEY. ELLIS HOLBROOK. HARVEY JENNINGS. EDWARD LEWIS." "I will lead them in paths that they have not known." "See here, Tip," called Mr. Minturn, appearing in his store door one morning not long after the examination; "I want to talk to you."

He may have come just for a lark, and will laugh with his folks to-night over the guy of a girl I appear; but I won't yield even to the putting of a ribbon in my hair." Mrs. Banning never permitted the serving of cold slops for coffee, and Mr. Minturn had to sip the generous and fragrant beverage slowly. Meanwhile, his thoughts were busy.

It named six gentlemen of the very highest character, Gulian C. Verplanck, James Boorman, Jacob Harvey, Robert B. Minturn, William F. Havemeyer, and David C. Colden, who were to form a Board of Commissioners of Emigration, charged with the oversight and care of this vast influx of strangers from the Old World.

Uncle Phil" for the man was peering in at the door, unable to keep away a moment longer "come here and I will kiss you 'good-morning." Mrs. Seabrook could bear no more and stole away with her tray to hide the tears she could no longer restrain. Mrs. Minturn followed her. "I am going now," she said, "but I shall continue to work for Dorrie all day, at intervals, and will run over now and then.