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Melhuish will be thinking of us," he added as an afterthought. "Oh! Mr. Melhuish is on our side," Mrs. Banks returned gaily. "Nancy! Nancy!" he reproved her. "This is too serious a matter to make a joke about." I was watching Mrs. Banks, and saw the almost invisible lift of the eyebrows with which she passed on the conduct of the case to Anne.

The opinion may smack of vanity, though, in reality, the very springs of conversation reside in that same human, universal itch to thrill the auditor. The peculiarity of Miss Melhuish was that she must be thrilling at all costs. And thrilling she had surely been. I spare you my feelings of the next two hours. I tried hard to get a word with Raffles, but again and again I failed.

Phil surveyed his sister. Mrs. Melhuish was the wife of their local clergyman in Hampshire; a poor lady plagued by abnormal weight, and a heart disease. "You might borrow pounds from Mrs. Melhuish, and nobody would ever know. You really are too thin, Lisa a perfect scarecrow. Of course Yerkes sees that he could do a lot for you.

"And do you mean to say that they were all so horrid to you that you had to come away?" she asked. "Precisely that," I said. "But you don't tell us what Mr. Melhuish has done!" Anne persisted, continuing her cross-examination of Jervaise. "Well, for one thing, he went out to meet your brother at three o'clock this morning," he replied grudgingly. "Didn't come out to meet me," Banks put in.

"Do you mind telling me is there another woman?" he demanded, with one of those rapid transitions of topic in which he excelled. "No," said Grant. "You see what I am aiming at. Let us suppose that Miss Melhuish never, in her own mind, abandoned the hope that some day the tangle would straighten itself. Women are constituted that way.

Three days later his body was found in a drift of snow, halfway down a cliff to the west of the town. The right leg and arm were broken and two ribs on the same side." I asked: "Who was the man that brought the message?" Melhuish said: "My sister could not tell, except that he was a stranger. She supposed he belonged to one of two ships that had arrived in harbour the day before.

I came out of my day-dream to find that she was speaking of me. "Mr. Melhuish is half asleep," she was saying. "And I haven't got his room ready after all this time." "He didn't get much sleep last night," Brenda replied. "We none of us did for that matter. We were wandering round the Park and just missing each other like the people in A Midsummer Night's Dream."

Naturally, the young people spent a good deal of time together. But there had been no love-making not a hint or whisper of it! And now, by cruel chance, their names were linked by scandal in its most menacing form, since there was no gainsaying the fact that Doris's star-gazing on that fatal Monday night was indissolubly bound up with the death of Adelaide Melhuish.

Grant, occupying The Hollies, says that woman's name is Adelaide Melhuish" at this point he paused to ascertain the spelling "and he saw her face at a window of the house at 10.45 P.M., last night." "Well, sir, and what next?" he went on. "It seems to me that the next thing is to have the unfortunate lady removed to some more suitable place than the river bank," said Grant, rather impatiently.

"Poor Adelaide Melhuish undoubtedly came here on Monday night and looked in at me while I was at work," said Grant sadly. "You know the history of my calf love three years ago, Wally." "Shall I ever forget it? You bored me stiff about it. Then, when the crash came, you walked me off my legs in the Upper Engadine. Ugh! That night on the Forno glacier. It gives me a chill to think of it now.