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Poor child! you are doing your purgatory on earth; and if there is no Heaven, you will be well cheated." "Good-bye, Madame Justin, I must go up now." "Wait a moment, I have a letter for you." "A letter!" cried Mariette, her cheeks flushing and her heart throbbing violently. "Is it from the provinces?" "Yes; the postmark is from Dreux, and it costs her six sous. Here it is.

After his death, conditions were somewhat altered, although the general directorship of the excavations was still given exclusively to Frenchmen. The successors of Mariette Bey were Gaston Maspero, E. Grébault, J. de Morgan, and Victor Laret. But as time went on, savants of other nationalities were allowed to explore, with certain reservations.

It is the second clerk in your brother's office," she said to Mariette. "He has lost the money his master gave him for some legal affair. He wanted to drown himself; so I lent him a thousand francs, but those brigands Finot and Giroudeau won them from him. Poor innocent!" "But we ought to wake him," said Mariette. "My brother won't make light of it, nor his master either."

"Unless Mariette ended like a girl of my acquaintance, who also sold herself through misery." "What happened her?" "She was robbed." "Robbed?" "She was promised mountains of gold, too; but at the end of three months she was deserted and left without a single sou. Then she killed herself in despair." "The devil! what do you take me for?" cried the visitor, haughtily.

Mariette was now living in Berlin, and amusing herself in ways Frau von Niebuhr disapproved, mainly because she thought it wiser to banish men from one's inner life altogether; but, true to her code, she forebore remonstrance. Lili, having discovered that her voice was not for grand opera, had philosophically descended to the concert stage and was excitedly happy in her success and independence.

"How much do I owe you, monsieur?" she asked timidly, when he had folded the missive and addressed it. "Fifty centimes," rejoined the old man, after a moment of hesitation, "and remember that I charge you for one of the letters only. I alone am responsible for my awkwardness." "You are very kind, monsieur," said Mariette, touched by what she considered a proof of generosity on his part.

At that moment the ex-Viceroy, resplendent in his ribbon of the Garter, who was passing through the hall, perceived her, pounced upon her, and insisted on seeing her to her carriage. Mariette, as he mounted the staircase, watched the two figures disappear smiling to himself. But on the way home the cloud of sisterly grief descended on Elizabeth.

"Not if I know it," said Mariette; "she is much too handsome, I will call on her at home." "I think myself good-looking enough to risk it," remarked Tullia. So the much-daring leading dancer went round between the acts and renewed acquaintance with Esther, who would talk only on general subjects.

Canada will no more be American than she will be Catholic with apologies to Mariette. These Yankees come in they turn Englishmen in six months they celebrate Dominion Day on the first of July, and Independence Day, for old sake's sake, on the fourth; and their children will be as loyal as Toronto." "Aye, and as dull!" said Mariette fiercely. The conversation dissolved in protesting laughter.

In company with eighty-five other people, all illustrious guests of the Khedive, and under the care of Mariette Bey, Ibsen made a twenty-four days' expedition up the Nile into Nubia, and then back to Cairo and Port Said.