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Who teaches you all you know of right and wrong? Is it your mother? Suppose she had died, as did Jennie's mamma, when you were a toddling baby? There, that's all; you do not hear a word I say; and if you did, you would not heed, O, self-righteous Dotty Dimple! Dotty ran up stairs to find her grandmother.

But there was something they had missed She thought: "We must get it now, this minute. He'll say good-bye to Mamma last. He'll kiss her last. But I must kiss him again, first." She came to him, holding up her face. He didn't see her; but when his arm felt her hand it jerked up and pushed her out of his way, as he would have pushed anything that stood there between him and Mamma. Old Mr.

"What is the matter, mamma, dear?" she would ask. "My souvenirs have upset me," the baroness would answer, with a long-drawn sigh. "They bring to my mind so vividly the happy times which are all over now, and make me think of people whom I had almost forgotten. I seem to see them, to hear their voices, and it makes me sad. You will feel the same, later on."

I had not finished when Amy came in the room and said, "I have permission to come and wish you good-bye, Valerie. I told mamma what you said about the person who was seen to kiss your hand.

"I shouldn't like that kind of boy," Dimple said. "Mamma, I call Rock my brother, and he calls me sister." "Do you?" said her mother, smiling. "Now it is nearly dinner time, and if I am not mistaken, two little girls have left their new dolls, and all their scraps and things out on the porch." "So we have!" they exclaimed, and ran down to bring them in.

Harriet and Elizabeth Mortimer were two very pretty, and generally speaking, very good little girls. Their kind papa and mamma had taken a great deal of pains that they should be good, and it was very seldom that they vexed them by being otherwise.

Unless mamma lives there is no one in the world who cares for me, for whom I care." "There there is Mrs. Greyne," said her husband. "And then St. Paul's remember St. Paul's." "Ah ce charmant St. Paul's! Shall I ever see him more?" She looked at Mr. Greyne, and suddenly he knew not why Mr. Greyne remembered the incident of the diary, and blushed. "Monsieur has fever!" Mr. Greyne shook his head.

I never saw his legs to such disadvantage before. "Well?" she went on. "What did you say to them?" "Just what you said, dear Rachel, to me." "That mamma was not at all well to-day? And that I didn't quite like leaving her to go to the concert?" "Those were the words. They were grieved to lose you at the concert, but they quite understood.

He was smiling: a hard, angry smile. Mrs. Draper was Mamma's dearest friend. They could sit and talk to each other about nothing for hours together. In the holidays Mrs. Draper used to be always coming over to talk to Mamma, always bringing Dora and Effie with her, always asking Mark and Dan and Roddy to her house, always wondering why Mark never went. Dan went.

"Will you get your mamma to let me stay?" said Virginie, with the bashfulness of a child; "haven't you a little place like yours, with white curtains and sanded floor, to give to poor little Virginie to learn to be good in?" "Why, do you really want to stay here with us," said Mary, "in this little house?"