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They covertly looked about, hoping to discover a sign of her presence, or some indication of the way she had gone. Together they loafed down to the creek, and, crossing by the stepping-stones, walked out on the point beyond, whence they could see a long way down the shore. Toward the east the lake was like a sheet of armour-plate. Behind them the sky was paling from amber to clear jade.

"And then blame the tramps for loafing!" exclaimed Dick. "Do we look as though we had loafed this summer?" challenged Dalzell. "No; but one or two of you would have done a good deal of it if you hadn't been afraid of the contempt of the others," smiled Prescott. "Honestly, now," demanded Hazy, "wouldn't you enjoy just staying here and lounging today, Dick Prescott?" "I would," Dick assented.

"'Docks, says he, ''tis a clever thought. "'Twas Skipper Jim's trick at the wheel, an' I loafed aft t' have a word with un keepin' well t' win'ward all the time; for he'd just come up from the forecastle. "'Skipper Jim, says I, 'we're found out. "'What's found out? says he. "'The case o' smallpox for'ard, says I. 'What you goin' t' do about it? "'Do! says he. 'What'll I do?

Occasionally a shout came from the room inside, and one of them, crying "Hazur!" with instant alacrity, stretched himself mightily, loafed upon his feet and went in, emerging a moment later carrying written sheets, with which he disappeared into the regions below.

Are they any better than we are? My note of hand would be worth ten times what Bromfield Corey's is on the street to-day. And I made MY money. I haven't loafed my life away." "Oh, it isn't what you've got, and it isn't what you've done exactly. It's what you are." "Well, then, what's the difference?"

Having loafed around Athens for many years to the neglect of his family, and having obtruded his views touching the immortality of the soul upon certain folk who believed that the first duty of a man was to keep his family from starving to death, Socrates was apprehended on a bench-warrant, thrown into jail, tried by a jury, and sentenced to die.

These blatherskites were on fire with high resolve, by their talk, yet had loafed along for a thousand miles, camping early, sleeping long after sunrise, resting at midday and gorging themselves at leisurely meals. All this was amazing. Equally astonishing was the condition of supineness, of all governmental officials in Gaul, local and Imperial, as their tale revealed it.

In the first two years of his Canadian life the man worked for a farmer during the summer, and loafed in Winnipeg during the winter. There demoralisation had begun, and as Elizabeth listened, the shadow of the Old World seemed to be creeping across the radiant Canadian landscape. The same woes? the same weaknesses? the same problems of an unsound urban life?

Carmyle and walked off. He had no further remarks to make. The warmth had gone out of the sunshine and all interest had departed from his life. He felt dull, listless, at a loose end. Not even the thought that his cousin, a careful man with his money, had had to pay a day's hire for a car which he could not use brought him any balm. He loafed aimlessly about the streets.

So he bundled together a couple of copies and sent them South with a short letter; and therefore it came about in due season, through the good offices of the United States Post-office Department, that these enclosures reached the judge on a showery afternoon as he loafed upon his wide front porch, waiting for his supper. First, he read Malley's letter and was glad to hear from Malley.