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The woods look as smooth and glossy as the braided locks of maidens prepared for conquests; and the roads and paths that wind here and there amongst the trees, are as gay as little streamlets in the sun's reflected light. Suddenly a rainbow leaps, as it were, out of the river, and spans, with its mighty arch, the country scene before us. 'A rainbow at night Is the shepherd's delight;

Anon, too, it began to shower; and it was only after various leaps and scramblings that we made our way to a large farm-house, and took shelter under a cart-shed.

Those which were least agitated sprang forward with little leaps and looked about them, doubtful and excited.

While they are scrambling with difficulty through this mass of half-rotten sticks, the elk bounds over it with ease, leaving no path behind him, as he clears it by leaps, and does not exhaust himself by bursting through it.

The two shot past the house like a streak of lightning, then wheeled back again, the horse clearing a ditch and a five-barred fence from one meadow into another; but he didn't jump in spite of Jim; rather was it in spite of himself. Then there was a series of mad buck jumpings, leaps into the air, and downward plunges.

Starbuck, a wave has such a great long start before it leaps, all round the world it runs, and then comes the spring! But as for me, all the start I have to meet it, is just across the deck here. Oh! jolly is the gale, And a joker is the whale, A' flourishin' his tail, Such a funny, sporty, gamy, jesty, joky, hoky-poky lad, is the Ocean, oh!

When we reflect, therefore, on the fractional state of the annals which are handed down to us, and how little even these have as yet been studied, we may wonder that so many geologists should attribute every break in the series of strata and every gap in the past history of the organic world to catastrophes and convulsions of the earth's crust or to leaps made by the creational force from species to species, or from class to class.

Though his conduct yet seemed strange unreasonable towards her, harsh towards his brother, still, in defiance of all, there was that in his countenance which compelled faith. And there was that in her own heart, a something neither reason nor conviction, but transcending both, which leaped to him as through intervening darkness light leaps to light. She felt that she must believe in her husband.

In solid ranks, their countless hordes from the dense woods emerge, And roll upon our serried lines like ocean's angry surge. Our ranks are silent on each face the light of battle glows: 'Ready! At once our polished tubes are levelled on our foes. Now leaps a livid lightning up from rank to rank it flies A fearful diapason rends the arches of the skies.

Thence by order of her Governor they are to march to Camp Jackson for a week of drill and instruction. Half a mile nearer the river, on the house of the Minute Men, the strange flag leaps wildly in the wind this day. On Twelfth Street the sun is shining, drums are beating, and bands are playing, and bright aides dashing hither and thither on spirited chargers.