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BUTLER. Find me twelve strong dragoons, arm them with pikes For there must be no firing Conceal them somewhere near the banquet-room, And soon as the dessert is served up, rush all in And cry "Who is loyal to the emperor?" I will overturn the table while you attack Illo and Terzky, and despatch them both.

With regard to him, therefore, their plan must be again changed; but they resolved to execute their design against the others. The three Colonels, Illo, Terzky, and William Kinsky, came in with careless confidence, and with them Captain Neumann, an officer of ability, whose advice Terzky sought in every intricate affair.

WALLENSTEIN. Falls! Who? ILLO. Tiefenbach's corps Discharged the ordnance. WALLENSTEIN. Upon whom? ILLO. On Neumann, Your messenger. Ha! Death and hell! I will TERZKY. Expose thyself to their blind frenzy? DUCHESS and COUNTESS. No! For God's sake, no! ILLO. Not yet, my general! Oh, hold him! hold him! WALLENSTEIN. Leave me MAX. Do it not; Not yet!

"Est Deus in nobis, agitante calescimus illo." But this is not exactly the knowledge which Socrates meant, or Solomon. Alcibiades was taught to see the loveliness of virtue and to admire it; but he had not the divine and restraining power, which Socrates called an "inspiration," and others would call "grace."

Scilicet illo igne vocem populi Romani et libertatem senatus et conscientiam generis humani aboleri arbitrabantur, expulsis insuper sapientiae professoribus atque omni bona arte in exilium acta, ne quid usquam honestum occurreret.

We meant to have taken them alive this evening Amid the merrymaking of a feast, And keep them prisoners in the citadel, But this makes shorter work. I go this instant To give the necessary orders. To these enter ILLO and TERZKY. TERZKY. Our luck is on the turn. To-morrow come The Swedes twelve thousand gallant warriors, Illo! Then straightwise for Vienna. Cheerily, friend!

A slight change in quoting the above passage, unintentionally made, favors his view; "Or that Cicero should have been proscribed by him," he says, turning "ullo" into "illo." The meaning of the passage seems to be, that it was sad that Cæsar should have been forced to yield, or that any one should have been there to force him.

The eminent torero, Pepe Illo, said: "The love of bulls is inherent in man, especially in the Spaniard, among which glorious people there have been bull-fights ever since bulls were, because," adds Pepe, with that modesty which forms so charming a trait of the Iberian character, "the Spanish men are as much more brave than all other men, as the Spanish bull is more savage and valiant than all other bulls."

I ail nothing. Where's Thy husband? COUNTESS. At a banquet he and Illo. The night's far spent. Betake thee to thy chamber. COUNTESS. Bid me not go, oh, let me stay with thee! There is a busy motion in the heaven, The wind doth chase the flag upon the tower, Fast sweep the clouds, the sickle of the moon, Struggling, darts snatches of uncertain light. No form of star is visible!

Think on the other hand thou canst not spurn The emperor's high commands and solemn orders, Nor longer temporize, nor seek evasion, Wouldst thou avoid a rupture with the court. Resolve then! Wilt thou now by one bold act Anticipate their ends, or, doubting still, Await the extremity? WALLENSTEIN. There's time before The extremity arrives. ILLO. Seize, seize the hour, Ere it slips from you.