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Elnora, you have love, tenderness, and honest appreciation of the finest in life. Take what I offer, and give what I ask." "You do not ask much," said Elnora. "As for not loving you as I did Edith," continued Philip, "as I said before, I hope not! I have a newer and a better idea of loving. The feeling I offer you was inspired by you. It is a Limberlost product.

"He may just wait ten minutes longer for me," she said to herself. And that idea pleased her also as she walked slowly through the crowd.

I see that idea is no good. Have you such a thing as a pocket-knife?" enquired the Chintz Imp. "A beauty," said Marianne; "four blades, a button-hook, and a corkscrew." "Ah, the corkscrew might be of some use if we could draw him out with it; but he might object. However, I'll try what I can do with the knife." "You won't cut him! You'll have to be very careful!" "Of course," said the Chintz Imp.

"I'll play along! What more can you do for us?" "I've no idea," said Morgan placidly. "Such things have to work themselves out, with a little prodding, of course. But one of my Talents says the lightning-calculator Talent is the one who'll do you the most good soonest. I'd suggest " There was a murmur of voices from the cabinet room. The door opened and King Humphrey came out.

"An idea!" Kendricks assented approvingly. "Let us wait until they have drunk the free wine. You understand, my dear Julien, that you pay nothing for that flask which stands by your side? It comes with the dinner. It is free." Julien helped himself, and sipped it thoughtfully. "At least," he murmured, as he set his glass down, "one is thankful that we do not pay for it!"

"These are rum manners," said I. "'s a rum crowd," said the captain, and, to my surprise, he made the sign of the cross on his bare bosom. "Hillo!" says I, "are you a Papist?" He repudiated the idea with contempt. "Hard-shell Baptis'," said he. "But, my dear friend, the Papists got some good ideas too; and tha' 's one of 'em.

Up to the time of Panaetius and the Scipionic circle the Roman idea and study of law had been of a crabbed practical character, wanting in breadth of treatment, destitute of any philosophical conception of the moral principles which lie behind all law and government.

We couldn't get any trace of her at all, until Bessie here dug up a wild idea that it was in Morton Holmes's car she'd been taken off." "Holmes, the big dry goods merchant?" said Trenwith, with a laugh. "How in the world did she ever get such a wild idea as that? He wouldn't be mixed up in anything shady!" "Just what we told her," said Charlie, unsmilingly, "but she insisted she was right.

As a child I was brought up to worship the Mouillard practice, with the fixed idea that this profession alone could suit me; heir apparent to a lawyer's stool born to it, brought up to it, without any idea, at any rate for a long time, that I could possibly free myself from the traditions of the law's sacred jargon. I have quite got over that now.

I dismiss this last worst suggestion as improbable. The door opens, and he enters. "Here you are!" I cry, making a joyous rush at him. "I thought you were never coming! Please, is that your idea of ten minutes?" "I could not help it," he answers; "he kept me talking; I could not get away any sooner." "Why did you go?" say I, dutifully.