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He came upon the stage when all was over, and exclaimed, in a voice trembling with emotion: 'You have created the rôle just as I would have it; I shall write an opera especially for you! This he did; it was Othello, and the Iago was composed for Maurel.

I felt, in the words of the cold devil Iago, those "damned minutes" of him "who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves." The shapeless character of my fears and suspicions did not by any means lessen their force and volume.

Garcia was Otello, I was Iago and when he rendered the phrase': here Pantaleone threw himself into an attitude and began singing in a hoarse and shaky, but still moving voice: "L'i ... ra daver ... so daver ... so il fato lo piu no ... no ... no ... non temero!" The theatre was all a-quiver, signori miei! though I too did not fall short, I too after him.

Othello had lately promoted Cassio to be the lieutenant, a place of trust, and nearest to the general's person. This promotion gave great offence to Iago, an older officer who thought he had a better claim than Cassio, and would often ridicule Cassio as a fellow fit only for the company of ladies, and one that knew no more of the art of war or how to set an army in array for battle, than a girl.

But there is a weakness in the character of Iago regarded as a purely instinctive and malignant criminal; indeed it is a weakness in the consistency of the play. On two occasions Iago states explicitly that Othello is more than suspected of having committed adultery with his wife, Emilia, and that therefore he has a strong and justifiable motive for being revenged on the Moor.

"Good-night, my Lord Wellington," said Marillac, as he arose and took up his candlestick. "Good-night, Iago! Ah! you think you have annoyed me with your mysterious words and melodramatic reticence?" "To-morrow! to-morrow!" replied the artist as he left the room. "Ce secret-la Se trahira."

Cassio appears with the handkerchief which he has found in his chamber. Iago ingeniously contrives that Othello shall recognise it, and at the same time arranges that he shall only hear as much of the conversation as shall confirm him in his infatuation. Envoys from Venice arrive, bearing the order for Othello's recall and the appointment of Cassio in his place.

Suffer me to say farewell." "May we not hint at the blessed possibility of conversion?" whispered the pious queen through her tears to her royal consort. "Not now not now, by St. Iago!" returned Ferdinand, quickly, and in the same tone, willing himself to conclude a painful conference. He then added, aloud, "Go, my brother, and fair fortune with you! Forget the past."

Upon this scene the light fell, tempered by curtains, at the cheapness and simplicity of which a fashionable upholsterer would have sneered, but toward whose graceful folds, and soft, rich hues, the study-wearied eye turned ever gratefully. The two friends sat silently for some minutes in ruminative mood, till Grey, turning suddenly to Tomes, asked, "What does Iago mean, when he says of Cassio,

Iago; as for Almagro, he was confirmed in his title of adelantado, and his jurisdiction was extended 600 miles, without, however, its limits being very strictly defined, which left the door open for many contests and all kinds of arbitrary interpretations.