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Throughout her Indian travel she felt much vexed at being conveyed in a palanquin; it seemed a dishonouring of men to treat them as beasts of burden. However, necessity prevailed over her humanitarian scruples.

A splendid example of intellectual type with good bone and muscle. Has excellent balance of mechanical and commercial understanding, keen judgment of men, practical sense, and fine determination, with sentiment, sympathy, friendliness, and faith. H.G. Wells, Novelist and Economist. A man of physically frail type, with natural mechanical leanings. Inventive, creative, industrious, humanitarian.

My companion was a man after his own heart, and, at first sight, the two mounted their humanitarian hobbies, and rode them till they were tired. And when this came, I went away and said nothing. Yet I knew that I had seen a remarkable man. Don Pepe de la Luz is a Cuban by birth, and his age may number some sixty years.

And there were tramps 'humping bluey' on the track likewise, and diggers carrying their picks. Bridget liked seeing Colin hail-fellow-well-met with them all sharing tucker and quart-pot tea. She wished that her socialistic friends of the old played-out civilisation could see this shrewd, practical humanitarian of the Bush. They came very close to each other in those long days of the dream-drive.

The transformation from an English gentleman, impelled by the most humanitarian motives, to that of a wild beast crouching in the concealment of a dense bush ready to spring upon its approaching prey, was instantaneous.

Although the munificence was on a Medicean scale, this private charity was in accord with the older conception of democracy, and paved the way for a new order. The patriotic and humanitarian motive aroused by the war greatly accelerated the socializing transformation of the business man and the capitalist.

His friend a seemingly candid and open-minded gentleman explained these contradictions by saying that Mr. Brotherson was a humanitarian and spent much of his time in the slums.

Hearty co-operation brings quick results, and once you start a wave of enthusiasm in a sea of humanity, and have for the base of that wave a humanitarian project of great breadth, it will travel with irresistible and ever-increasing impulse to the ends of the earth which is far enough.

But we have got a long way from Horatius in our imagery. Little birds flutter around the capital, picking up what crumbs they may. One of them, occasionally fed by that humanitarian, the Honourable Jacob Botcher, whispered a secret that made the humanitarian knit his brows. Hamilton Tooting had been detected on two evenings slipping into the Duncan house.

After five o'clock this hyena purred at his wife and licked his cubs; the rest of the time he knew no mercy. But he concealed his cruelty and his avarice under a mask of benignity. He was fat, jolly and sympathetic, and his smile was the smile of a warm-hearted humanitarian. The milk of human kindness oozed from his every pore.