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Was it not too much to believe that he had always been faithful to his ideal of the camp fire? Ah! Maule would have jeered at that would have been totally incapable of understanding the romance of that dream-drive a dream in truth. But how beautiful, how sane, how uplifting it seemed, compared with the feverish haschisch dream in which she was now living.

The old man roared over the sketch, but the housekeeper bore her a grudge for it, and afterwards had not a good word for the 'Ladyship' who had slipped out of her proper sphere into the Never-Never country. There were plenty of other small adventures which would have made the hair of Lady Gaverick and her friends stand on end. A dream-drive indeed, full of sort of 'Alice in Wonderland' episodes.

And there were tramps 'humping bluey' on the track likewise, and diggers carrying their picks. Bridget liked seeing Colin hail-fellow-well-met with them all sharing tucker and quart-pot tea. She wished that her socialistic friends of the old played-out civilisation could see this shrewd, practical humanitarian of the Bush. They came very close to each other in those long days of the dream-drive.

For, through all, the memory of the dream-drive honeymoon lingered. And the bit of bark, sapless, brown, curled up by the heat into almost a tube, and partially eaten by white ants before the desecrating assault had been discovered and the termites' nest destroyed with boiling water was still cherished as a sacred symbol.

You'll be perfectly safe with Ninnis, I think it would be better for you to sleep one night at old Duppo's place. There's fresh horses for the buggy there I've got Alexander and Roxalana in the paddock now they're the best.... Oh, how could he bear that those horses, of the dream-drive, should take her away from him! He went on in the same matter-of-fact manner.

I could read between the lines of all your amusing descriptions and sketches of "the Dream-drive." I had my doubts and my fears, as I never concealed from you, but I believe that you have found the true, well-beloved at last.

While she swung in the hammock the memory pictures came and went like a cinematograph show the dream-drive presently merging into an electioneering trip through McKeith's constituency a few weeks after her bridal homecoming.