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It would be strange if after the lapse of half a century the hiding-place were to open and give up the fruit of his rapine. Who knows whether some of this treasure, accidentally discovered, may not have founded fortunes whose origin is unknown, even to their possessors?

It was for this reason that the young Countess had visited Bronia. She was now eighteen years of age and still had the sort of romantic feeling which led her to think that she would keep in some secret hiding-place the bouquet which the greatest man alive had given her. But Napoleon was not the sort of man to forget anything that had given him either pleasure or the reverse.

I am in sober earnest, and if you don't answer my question, I'll hang you, right here in your own room, and with your own lasso. This is your last chance! Where's that key?" Frank hesitated. Frank was certainly in a predicament. He had his choice between revealing the hiding-place of the office key, and being hanged with his own lasso a most disagreeable alternative.

But the pile of books on the table grew and grew; more and more persistent became the whisper: "Hide them." There was no hiding-place left, and yet the books were still being brought in there was no end to them. Everywhere books they were pressing on her breast.... Elisaveta awakened. Some one's face was bending over her. The bedcover slipped from her handsome body. Elena was whispering something.

That redoubtable fighter reappeared in front and below him and Tam dived for him. Müller's nose went down and back to his hiding-place he dived. Tam corrected his level and swooped upward again. There was no sign of Captain Müller. Tam cruised up and down, searching the cloud for his enemy.

Except living with your father." Gwenda had no feeling in her as she left Rowcliffe's house. Her heart hid in her breast. It was so mortally wounded as to be unaware that it was hurt. But at the turn of the white road her heart stirred in its hiding-place. It stirred at the sight of Karva and with the wind that brought her the smell of the flowering thorn-trees.

There was nothing left for Mordecai to do but fetch Esther from her hiding-place, and immediately she was espied and carried to the palace of the king. The descent of Mordecai and of his niece Esther is disposed of in a few words in the Scripture. But he could trace it all the way back to the Patriarch Jacob, from whom he was forty-five degrees removed.

They used to tell about it being a hiding-place for smugglers before I was born, and that a murder had been committed there and that some one in a fishing boat had seen a man fully ten feet tall, standing on a cliff on it, one night. Dad, who was a sea captain, used to laugh at all this, and yet almost everybody believed there was some mystery connected with it.

Had I been very hungry, I should probably have killed them for food; but while I saw a prospect of obtaining cocoa-nuts and crabs, I was not reduced to such an extremity. I little thought at the time of what importance this hiding-place would be to me. It took me some time to scrape out the dirt on the ground, and it was almost dark before I had finished the operation.

In her quandary she flew to Aunt Pen, and that worthy lady smiled happily as she answered, "Of course, I can take charge if you wish, and I shall count it a privilege. You have done so much for Myra " "Thank Peace for that. She is the one who found out her hiding-place." "I do thank Peace with all my heart, and it has been a pleasure to help her with her beautiful, generous, impulsive plans.