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The boy went down, and there sat Clever Alice and the maid both crying, so he asked the reason; and Alice told him the same tale, of the hatchet that was to fall on her child, if she married Hans, and if they had a child. When she had finished, the boy exclaimed, "What a clever Alice we have!" and fell weeping and howling with the others.

Hans was now gazing about the boat with something more than curiosity in his eyes. He had observed how quickly the submarine had responded to a touch of the lever, and was actually wondering if he wasn't on board one of the magic ships he had read of in the nursery.

I was also advised to apply to Hans von Bronsart, who at this time was conductor to a private orchestral society in Dresden. He responded loyally to my proposition, and between us we settled the date and programme of a concert to be conducted by me in Dresden.

"We can well understand their feelings upon such an occasion," remarked Hendrik, with a significant look. "The flying locusts," continued Hans, "seem less to follow a particular direction than their larvae. The former seem to be guided by the wind. Frequently this carries them all into the sea, where they perish in vast numbers.

He'll probably be over to the consulate to-morrow to have his passports looked into. Good night." So Hans Grumbach passed out of his mind; but for all that, fortune and opportunity were about to knock on Carmichael's door. For there was a great place in history ready for Hans Grumbach. The day promised to be mild. There was not a cloud anywhere, and the morning mists had risen from the valleys.

"I mean," said Stubbs, and at that moment his hand dropped to his revolver butt, "I mean that you are a cheat!" Stubbs produced his revolver and levelled it straight at Hans. Then he swept the circle of surprised faces about him with his eyes. "Sir!" exclaimed Hans, "I demand an apology for those words." "Well, you won't get it," returned Stubbs, decisively. He turned to the man next to Hans.

He was beside himself with joy, so that he clasped first me and then Hans in his arms, and slapped Eppelein, who carried a lantern to show us the pools left by the storm of rain, again and again on the shoulder, and thrust a purse full of money into his free hand, albeit there was an end now of my grand-uncle's golden bounty.

He thought he had been moved on this truck many miles, but in truth the stove had been only taken from the railway station to a shop in the Marienplatz. Fortunately, the stove was always set upright on its four gilded feet, an injunction to that effect having been affixed to its written label, and on its gilded feet it stood now in the small dark curiosity shop of one Hans Rhilfer.

Taking me apart again he dwelt earnestly upon his secret reasons for wishing to visit these Kendah, with which of course I was already acquainted, as indeed was Savage. "I desire to stay here," he ended. "Which means that we must all stay, Ragnall, since Savage will not desert you. Nor will Hans desert me although he thinks us mad.

"Well, then," continued Hans, "millions of the insects crawl into the fires and put them out!" "Ho!" cried all in astonishment. "How? Are they not burned?" "Of course," replied Hans. "They are scorched and killed myriads of them quite burned up. But their bodies crowded thickly on the fires choke them out.