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I shall soon be able to repay the loan with interest." And then they talked a bit of Master Farwell and the In-Place, always skirting the depths gracefully, for Boswell never permitted certain subjects to escape his control. It was the half-playful, but wholly kind dignity that had won for him Priscilla's faith and dependence.

The lighted windows, the smell of good things cooked for supper, brought him no sense of satisfaction; he had to make a distinct effort to enter and to present a face of welcome to his two guests, who were already there, awaiting him. "Couldn't get in earlier," he said, replying to Lettie's half-anxious, half-playful scoldings.

"Nick, he was watchin' that greaser . . . Took him ten minutes to saddle up Johnson has ten minutes' start" He broke off abruptly and ended impatiently with: "Oh, Lord, they'll never get him! He's a wonder on the road you've got to take your hat off to the damn cuss!" And with a dig at the other's ribs that was half-playful, half-serious, he was off in pursuit of Ashby.

They spent all their time in playing gently, in bathing in the river, in making love in a half-playful fashion, in eating fruit and sleeping. I could not see how things were kept going. 'Then, again, about the Time Machine: something, I knew not what, had taken it into the hollow pedestal of the White Sphinx. Why? For the life of me I could not imagine.

"I can conceive of another reason why a good man should not harbor such serpents in disguise," he said, in the pleasant, half-playful tone which the conversation had latterly assumed. "Let us have it by all means," answered Mr. Stephens. "I am court-martialed, I perceive and may as well have all the shots at once."

I thought your husband's " "Oh, yes, all that helped. He was splendid. But we shouldn't have done it without the keeper's daughter." "Vox populi, vox Dei; they're both so hard to understand." "I've been longing for you," she said, seeming to awake suddenly from her half-dreamy half-playful account of the life she had been living.

"She's not nearly so good as you are, Molly. And after all, what does she do, anyway?" Mary kept her look of leniency, as if over the half-playful naughtinesses of a child.

Why didn't you paint one, father?" "She would never let me. She had some queer, funny, half-playful, half-earnest superstition about it. But I always meant to when she would become willing to let me. And then she died. Her twin brother Felix died the same day. There was something strange about that, too.

In after years, when she used to think of Angel Halsey as having gone before her into the unseen, Susannah held the belief that the part of him which she would meet there would be that which shone out in the rare half-playful smiles he gave, in the glance which, at the moment of smiling, he bent on her.

You've given me the right to ask that by all you've done for me. Anything I could do would be only too little for one who has stood by me the way you have. I want you to feel that I'm your friend in the deepest meaning of that word. You can count on me for anything." Then in a lighter tone as he gave the shoulder a half-playful slap he added, "I'm for you, son."